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        以度为单位的 GPS 坐标以计算距离

        GPS coordinates in degrees to calculate distances(以度为单位的 GPS 坐标以计算距离)
        • <small id='PAkLN'></small><noframes id='PAkLN'>

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                  <legend id='PAkLN'><style id='PAkLN'><dir id='PAkLN'><q id='PAkLN'></q></dir></style></legend>
                  本文介绍了以度为单位的 GPS 坐标以计算距离的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在 iPhone 上,我以十进制度数获取用户的位置,例如:纬度 39.470920 和经度 = -0.373192;这就是A点.

                  On the iPhone, I get the user's location in decimal degrees, for example: latitude 39.470920 and longitude = -0.373192; That's point A.

                  我需要用另一个 GPS 坐标创建一条线,也以十进制度为单位,点 B.然后,计算从 A 到 B 的线与另一个点 C 之间的距离(垂直).

                  I need to create a line with another GPS coordinate, also in decimal degrees, point B. Then, calculate the distance (perpendicular) between the line from A to B and another point C.


                  The problem is I get confused with the values in degrees. I would like to have the result in meters. What's the conversion needed? How will the final formula to compute this look like?


                  你为什么不用CLLocation 的 distanceFromLocation: 方法?它会告诉您接收器与另一个 CLLocation 之间的精确距离.

                  Why don't you use CLLocations distanceFromLocation: method? It will tell you the precise distance between the receiver and another CLLocation.

                  CLLocation *locationA = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:12.123456 longitude:12.123456];
                  CLLocation *locationB = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:21.654321 longitude:21.654321];
                  CLLocationDistance distanceInMeters = [locationA distanceFromLocation:locationB];
                  // CLLocation is aka double
                  [locationA release];
                  [locationB release];


                  这篇关于以度为单位的 GPS 坐标以计算距离的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  In Objective-c, safe and good way to compare 2 BOOL values?(在 Objective-c 中,比较 2 个 BOOL 值的安全和好方法?)
                  iOS: Use a boolean in NSUserDefaults(iOS:在 NSUserDefaults 中使用布尔值)
                  Typical UDP latency on iPhone over 3G - are my numbers right?(iPhone 在 3G 上的典型 UDP 延迟 - 我的数字对吗?)
                  Scan networks (SSID#39;s) on iOS 7 by using private API(使用私有 API 在 iOS 7 上扫描网络 (SSID))
                  Determine whether iPhone is really connected to the internet or just behind a restricted hotspot(确定 iPhone 是真正连接到互联网还是仅在受限热点后面)
                  Am I using CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo correctly?(我正确使用 CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo 吗?)

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