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        ViewPager 和 Fragment — 存储 Fragment 状态的正确方法是什么?

        ViewPager and fragments — what#39;s the right way to store fragment#39;s state?(ViewPager 和 Fragment — 存储 Fragment 状态的正确方法是什么?)
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                  本文介绍了ViewPager 和 Fragment — 存储 Fragment 状态的正确方法是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  片段似乎非常适合将 UI 逻辑分离到某些模块中.但是与 ViewPager 一起,它的生命周期对我来说仍然很模糊.所以非常需要上师的思想!

                  Fragments seem to be very nice for separation of UI logic into some modules. But along with ViewPager its lifecycle is still misty to me. So Guru thoughts are badly needed!


                  See dumb solution below ;-)


                  Main activity has a ViewPager with fragments. Those fragments could implement a little bit different logic for other (submain) activities, so the fragments' data is filled via a callback interface inside the activity. And everything works fine on first launch, but!...

                  当 Activity 被重新创建时(例如在方向改变时),ViewPager 的片段也是如此.代码(你会在下面找到)说,每次创建活动时,我都会尝试创建一个与片段相同的新 ViewPager 片段适配器(也许这是问题所在)但 FragmentManager 已经拥有所有这些片段存储在某处(在哪里?)并启动这些片段的重新创建机制.所以重新创建机制调用旧"片段的 onAttach、onCreateView 等,我的回调接口调用通过 Activity 的实现方法来初始化数据.但是这个方法指向的是通过Activity的onCreate方法新建的fragment.

                  When the activity gets recreated (e.g. on orientation change) so do the ViewPager's fragments. The code (you'll find below) says that every time the activity is created I try to create a new ViewPager fragments adapter the same as fragments (maybe this is the problem) but FragmentManager already has all these fragments stored somewhere (where?) and starts the recreation mechanism for those. So the recreation mechanism calls the "old" fragment's onAttach, onCreateView, etc. with my callback interface call for initiating data via the Activity's implemented method. But this method points to the newly created fragment which is created via the Activity's onCreate method.

                  也许我使用了错误的模式,但即使是 Android 3 Pro 书也没有太多关于它的内容.所以,,给我一两拳,并指出如何以正确的方式做到这一点.非常感谢!

                  Maybe I'm using wrong patterns but even Android 3 Pro book doesn't have much about it. So, please, give me one-two punch and point out how to do it the right way. Many thanks!


                  public class DashboardActivity extends BasePagerActivity implements OnMessageListActionListener {
                  private MessagesFragment mMessagesFragment;
                  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                      Logger.d("Dash onCreate");
                      new DefaultToolbar(this);
                      // create fragments to use
                      mMessagesFragment = new MessagesFragment();
                      mStreamsFragment = new StreamsFragment();
                      // set titles and fragments for view pager
                      Map<String, Fragment> screens = new LinkedHashMap<String, Fragment>();
                      screens.put(getApplicationContext().getString(R.string.dashboard_title_dumb), new DumbFragment());
                      screens.put(getApplicationContext().getString(R.string.dashboard_title_messages), mMessagesFragment);
                      // instantiate view pager via adapter
                      mPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.viewpager_pager);
                      mPagerAdapter = new BasePagerAdapter(screens, getSupportFragmentManager());
                      // set title indicator
                      TitlePageIndicator indicator = (TitlePageIndicator) findViewById(R.id.viewpager_titles);
                      indicator.setViewPager(mPager, 1);
                  /* set of fragments callback interface implementations */
                  public void onMessageInitialisation() {
                      Logger.d("Dash onMessageInitialisation");
                      if (mMessagesFragment != null)
                  public void onMessageSelected(Message selectedMessage) {
                      Intent intent = new Intent(this, StreamActivity.class);
                      intent.putExtra(Message.class.getName(), selectedMessage);

                  BasePagerActivity 又名助手

                  public class BasePagerActivity extends FragmentActivity {
                  BasePagerAdapter mPagerAdapter;
                  ViewPager mPager;


                  public class BasePagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements TitleProvider {
                  private Map<String, Fragment> mScreens;
                  public BasePagerAdapter(Map<String, Fragment> screenMap, FragmentManager fm) {
                      this.mScreens = screenMap;
                  public Fragment getItem(int position) {
                      return mScreens.values().toArray(new Fragment[mScreens.size()])[position];
                  public int getCount() {
                      return mScreens.size();
                  public String getTitle(int position) {
                      return mScreens.keySet().toArray(new String[mScreens.size()])[position];
                  // hack. we don't want to destroy our fragments and re-initiate them after
                  public void destroyItem(View container, int position, Object object) {
                      // TODO Auto-generated method stub


                  public class MessagesFragment extends ListFragment {
                  private boolean mIsLastMessages;
                  private List<Message> mMessagesList;
                  private MessageArrayAdapter mAdapter;
                  private LoadMessagesTask mLoadMessagesTask;
                  private OnMessageListActionListener mListener;
                  // define callback interface
                  public interface OnMessageListActionListener {
                      public void onMessageInitialisation();
                      public void onMessageSelected(Message selectedMessage);
                  public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
                      // setting callback
                      mListener = (OnMessageListActionListener) activity;
                      mIsLastMessages = activity instanceof DashboardActivity;
                  public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                      inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_listview, container);
                      mProgressView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.listrow_progress, null);
                      mEmptyView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_nodata, null);
                      return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);
                  public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                      // instantiate loading task
                      mLoadMessagesTask = new LoadMessagesTask();
                      // instantiate list of messages
                      mMessagesList = new ArrayList<Message>();
                      mAdapter = new MessageArrayAdapter(getActivity(), mMessagesList);
                  public void onResume() {
                  public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
                      Message selectedMessage = (Message) getListAdapter().getItem(position);
                      super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);
                  /* public methods to load messages from host acitivity, etc... */


                  愚蠢的解决方案是使用 putFragment 将片段保存在 onSaveInstanceState(宿主 Activity)中,并通过 getFragment 将它们放入 onCreate 中.但是我仍然有一种奇怪的感觉,事情不应该那样工作......见下面的代码:


                  The dumb solution is to save the fragments inside onSaveInstanceState (of host Activity) with putFragment and get them inside onCreate via getFragment. But I still have a strange feeling that things shouldn't work like that... See code below:

                  protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
                              .putFragment(outState, MessagesFragment.class.getName(), mMessagesFragment);
                  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                      Logger.d("Dash onCreate");
                      // create fragments to use
                      if (savedInstanceState != null) {
                          mMessagesFragment = (MessagesFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().getFragment(
                                  savedInstanceState, MessagesFragment.class.getName());
                      if (mMessagesFragment == null)
                          mMessagesFragment = new MessagesFragment();


                  FragmentPagerAdapter 将片段添加到 FragmentManager 时,会根据片段将要放置的特定位置使用特殊标记.FragmentPagerAdapter.getItem(int position) 仅在该位置的片段不存在时调用.旋转后,Android 会注意到它已经为这个特定位置创建/保存了一个片段,因此它只是尝试使用 FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag() 重新连接它,而不是创建一个新片段.所有这些在使用 FragmentPagerAdapter 时都是免费的,这就是为什么通常将片段初始化代码放在 getItem(int) 方法中的原因.

                  When the FragmentPagerAdapter adds a fragment to the FragmentManager, it uses a special tag based on the particular position that the fragment will be placed. FragmentPagerAdapter.getItem(int position) is only called when a fragment for that position does not exist. After rotating, Android will notice that it already created/saved a fragment for this particular position and so it simply tries to reconnect with it with FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(), instead of creating a new one. All of this comes free when using the FragmentPagerAdapter and is why it is usual to have your fragment initialisation code inside the getItem(int) method.

                  即使我们没有使用 FragmentPagerAdapter,在 Activity.onCreate(Bundle) 中每次都创建一个新片段也不是一个好主意.正如您所注意到的,当将片段添加到 FragmentManager 时,它将在旋转后为您重新创建,无需再次添加.这样做是处理片段时出错的常见原因.

                  Even if we were not using a FragmentPagerAdapter, it is not a good idea to create a new fragment every single time in Activity.onCreate(Bundle). As you have noticed, when a fragment is added to the FragmentManager, it will be recreated for you after rotating and there is no need to add it again. Doing so is a common cause of errors when working with fragments.


                  A usual approach when working with fragments is this:

                  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                      CustomFragment fragment;
                      if (savedInstanceState != null) {
                          fragment = (CustomFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("customtag");
                      } else {
                          fragment = new CustomFragment();
                          getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(R.id.container, fragment, "customtag").commit(); 

                  当使用 FragmentPagerAdapter 时,我们将片段管理交给适配器,而不必执行上述步骤.默认情况下,它只会在当前位置的前后预加载一个 Fragment(尽管它不会破坏它们,除非您使用 FragmentStatePagerAdapter).这由 ViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(int).正因为如此,直接在适配器外部的片段上调用方法并不能保证是有效的,因为它们甚至可能不是活着的.

                  When using a FragmentPagerAdapter, we relinquish fragment management to the adapter, and do not have to perform the above steps. By default, it will only preload one Fragment in front and behind the current position (although it does not destroy them unless you are using FragmentStatePagerAdapter). This is controlled by ViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(int). Because of this, directly calling methods on the fragments outside of the adapter is not guaranteed to be valid, because they may not even be alive.

                  长话短说,您使用 putFragment 之后能够获得引用的解决方案并没有那么疯狂,并且与使用片段的正常方式(上图)没有太大不同.否则很难获得参考,因为片段是由适配器添加的,而不是您个人添加的.只需确保 offscreenPageLimit 足够高以始终加载所需的片段,因为您依赖它的存在.这绕过了 ViewPager 的延迟加载功能,但似乎是您对应用程序的期望.

                  To cut a long story short, your solution to use putFragment to be able to get a reference afterwards is not so crazy, and not so unlike the normal way to use fragments anyway (above). It is difficult to obtain a reference otherwise because the fragment is added by the adapter, and not you personally. Just make sure that the offscreenPageLimit is high enough to load your desired fragments at all times, since you rely on it being present. This bypasses lazy loading capabilities of the ViewPager, but seems to be what you desire for your application.

                  另一种方法是覆盖 FragmentPageAdapter.instantiateItem(View, int) 并在返回之前保存对从 super 调用返回的片段的引用(如果已经找到片段,它具有查找片段的逻辑存在).

                  Another approach is to override FragmentPageAdapter.instantiateItem(View, int) and save a reference to the fragment returned from the super call before returning it (it has the logic to find the fragment, if already present).

                  要获得更全面的信息,请查看 FragmentPagerAdapter(短)和ViewPager (长).

                  For a fuller picture, have a look at some of the source of FragmentPagerAdapter (short) and ViewPager (long).

                  这篇关于ViewPager 和 Fragment — 存储 Fragment 状态的正确方法是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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