我的应用程序包含一个视图,该视图由一个 ViewPager 组成,该 ViewPager 由一些片段组成.当您单击这些片段之一中的项目时,预期行为是共享元素(在本例中为图像)转换到显示有关单击内容的更多信息的片段.
My app contains a view which consists of a ViewPager consisting of a handful of fragments. When you click on an item in one of these fragments, the expected behavior is for the shared element (in this case an image) to transition to the fragment which displays more information about the clicked content.
Here is a very simple video of what it should look like:
这只是使用 Fragment->Fragment 过渡.
This is just using a Fragment->Fragment transition.
将起始片段放在 ViewPager 中时会出现问题.我怀疑这是因为 ViewPager 使用其父片段的子片段管理器,它与处理片段事务的活动的片段管理器不同.以下是发生的视频:
The problem arises when you place the starting fragment inside a ViewPager. I suspect this is because the ViewPager uses its parent fragment's child fragment manager, which is different than the fragment manager of the activity, which is handling the fragment transaction. Here is a video of what happens:
I'm pretty certain the issue here as I explained above is the child fragment manager vs the activity's fragment manager. Here is how I am making the transition:
SimpleFragment fragment = new SimpleFragment();
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
transaction.replace(R.id.am_list_pane, fragment, fragment.getClass().getSimpleName());
TransitionSet enterTransition = new TransitionSet();
enterTransition.addTransition(new ChangeBounds());
enterTransition.addTransition(new ChangeClipBounds());
enterTransition.addTransition(new ChangeImageTransform());
enterTransition.addTransition(new ChangeTransform());
TransitionSet returnTransition = new TransitionSet();
returnTransition.addTransition(new ChangeBounds());
returnTransition.addTransition(new ChangeClipBounds());
returnTransition.addTransition(new ChangeImageTransform());
returnTransition.addTransition(new ChangeTransform());
transaction.addSharedElement(iv, iv.getTransitionName());
当两个片段都由活动的片段管理器管理时,这工作正常,但是当我像这样加载 ViewPager 时:
This works fine when both fragments are managed by the activity's fragment manager, but when I load up a ViewPager like this:
ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) view.findViewById(R.id.pager);
pager.setAdapter(new Adapter(getChildFragmentManager()));
ViewPager 的子项不再由 Activity 管理,它不再工作.
The children of the ViewPager are not being managed by the activity, and it doesn't work anymore.
这是 Android 团队的疏忽吗?有什么办法可以解决这个问题吗?谢谢.
Is this an oversight by the Android team? Is there any way to pull this off? Thanks.
Probably you've already found an answer to this but in case you haven't, here's what I did to fix it after a few hours of scratching my head.
The problem I think is a combination of two factors:
load with a delay, meaning that the activity returns a lot faster than its fragments which are contained inside theViewPager
如果你和我一样,你的 ViewPager
的子片段很可能是同一类型.这意味着,它们都共享相同的过渡名称(如果您已在 xml 布局中设置它们),除非您在代码中设置它们并且只在可见片段上设置一次.
If you are like me, your ViewPager
's child fragments are most likely the same type. This means, they all share the same transition name (if you've set them in your xml layout), unless you set them in code and only set it once, on the visible fragment.
To fix both of these problems, this is what I did:
在您的活动(包含 ViewPager
的活动)中,在 super.onCreate()
之后和 setContentView()
Inside your activity (the one that contains the ViewPager
), add this line after super.onCreate()
and before setContentView()
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ActivityCompat.postponeEnterTransition(this); // This is the line you need to add
现在有很多方法可以做到这一点,但这就是我在详细"活动中最终得到的结果,即包含 ViewPager
的活动(在 onCreate()
Now there are quite a few ways of going about doing this but this is what I ended up with inside my "detail" activity, i.e. the activity that contains the ViewPager
(in the onCreate()
but you can do it anywhere really):
您需要小心,因为 Activity
可能尚未附加到您的 ViewPager
片段,因此将过渡名称从 Activity 传递给片段会更容易如果您从资源中加载它
You need to be careful since the Activity
may not yet be attached to your ViewPager
fragment so it's easier to just pass in the transition name from the activity to the fragment if you're loading it from a resource
The actual implementation is as simple as you expect:
public void setTransitionName(String transitionName) {
_transitionName = transitionName;
然后在片段的 onViewCreated()
Then inside your fragment's onViewCreated()
, add this line:
public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
if (_transitionName != null && android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
private void setTransitionNamesLollipop() {
最后一个难题是找出片段何时完全加载,然后调用 ActivityCompat.startPostponedEnterTransition(getActivity());
The last piece of the puzzle is to find out when your fragment is fully loaded and then call ActivityCompat.startPostponedEnterTransition(getActivity());
在我的情况下,我的片段直到后来才完全加载,因为我从 UI 线程中加载了大部分内容,这意味着我必须想办法在加载所有内容时调用它,但如果不是你的情况,你可以在您调用 setTransitionNameLollipop()
In my case, my fragments were not fully loaded until later since I'm loading most things off the UI thread which means I had to figure out a way to call this when everything was loaded but if that's not your case, you can call this right after you call setTransitionNameLollipop()
The problem with this approach is that the exit transition may not work unless you're very careful and reset the transition name on the "visible" fragment right before you exit
the activity to navigate back. That can easily be done like so:
- 在您的
上收听页面变化 - 一旦您的片段不在视野范围内,请立即删除过渡名称
- 在可见片段上设置过渡名称.
- 不调用
- Listen to page change on your
- Remove the transition name(s) as soon as your fragment is out of view
- Set the transition name(s) on the visible fragment.
- Instead of calling
, callActivityCompat.finishAfterTransition(activity);
如果您返回转换需要转换到 RecyclerView
这是我的情况,这很快就会变得非常复杂.为此,@Alex Lockwood 在这里提供了一个更好的答案:ViewPager Fragments – Shared Element Transitions 这里有一个写得很好的示例代码(尽管比我刚刚写的要复杂得多):https://github.com/alexjlockwood/activity-transitions/tree/master/app/src/main/java/com/alexjlockwood/活动/过渡
This can get very complex very soon if you back transition needs to transition to a RecyclerView
which was my case. For that, there's a much better answer provided by @Alex Lockwood here: ViewPager Fragments – Shared Element Transitions which has a very well written example code (albeit a lot more complicated than what I just wrote) here: https://github.com/alexjlockwood/activity-transitions/tree/master/app/src/main/java/com/alexjlockwood/activity/transitions
In my case, I didn't have to go so far as to implement his solution and the above solution that I posted worked for my case.
In case you have multiple shared elements, I'm sure you can figure out how to extend the methods in order to cater to them.
这篇关于片段共享元素转换不适用于 ViewPager的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!