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      1. 快速从函数中返回多个值

        Return multiple values from a function in swift(快速从函数中返回多个值)
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                • <i id='zUu4R'><tr id='zUu4R'><dt id='zUu4R'><q id='zUu4R'><span id='zUu4R'><b id='zUu4R'><form id='zUu4R'><ins id='zUu4R'></ins><ul id='zUu4R'></ul><sub id='zUu4R'></sub></form><legend id='zUu4R'></legend><bdo id='zUu4R'><pre id='zUu4R'><center id='zUu4R'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='zUu4R'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='zUu4R'><tfoot id='zUu4R'></tfoot><dl id='zUu4R'><fieldset id='zUu4R'></fieldset></dl></div>

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                  如何从 swift 中的函数返回 3 个相同类型(Int)的单独数据值?

                  How do I return 3 separate data values of the same type(Int) from a function in swift?


                  I'm attempting to return the time of day, I need to return the Hour, Minute and Second as separate integers, but all in one go from the same function, is this possible?


                  I think I just don't understand the syntax for returning multiple values. This is the code I'm using, I'm having trouble with the last(return) line.


                  func getTime() -> Int
                      let date = NSDate()
                      let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
                      let components = calendar.components(.CalendarUnitHour | .CalendarUnitMinute | .CalendarUnitSecond, fromDate: date)
                      let hour = components.hour
                      let minute = components.minute
                      let second = components.second
                      let times:String = ("(hour):(minute):(second)")
                      return hour, minute, second



                  func getTime() -> (Int, Int, Int) {
                      return ( hour, minute, second)


                  let (hour, minute, second) = getTime()


                  let time = getTime()
                  println("hour: (time.0)")




                  Converting Int to Bool(将 Int 转换为 Bool)
                  Evaluate Bool property of optional object in if statement(在 if 语句中评估可选对象的 Bool 属性)
                  Bool being seen as int when using AnyObject(使用 AnyObject 时 Bool 被视为 int)
                  Convert String to Bool in Swift - via API or most Swift-like approach(在 Swift 中将 String 转换为 Bool - 通过 API 或大多数类似 Swift 的方法)
                  How can I find a number of True statements in an Array of Bools in Swift(如何在 Swift 的布尔数组中找到多个 True 语句)
                  uploading image in swift with multiple parameters(使用多个参数快速上传图像)

                  <i id='2g7IE'><tr id='2g7IE'><dt id='2g7IE'><q id='2g7IE'><span id='2g7IE'><b id='2g7IE'><form id='2g7IE'><ins id='2g7IE'></ins><ul id='2g7IE'></ul><sub id='2g7IE'></sub></form><legend id='2g7IE'></legend><bdo id='2g7IE'><pre id='2g7IE'><center id='2g7IE'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='2g7IE'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='2g7IE'><tfoot id='2g7IE'></tfoot><dl id='2g7IE'><fieldset id='2g7IE'></fieldset></dl></div>

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