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      1. <legend id='9f6ml'><style id='9f6ml'><dir id='9f6ml'><q id='9f6ml'></q></dir></style></legend>

        在 IOS 10 中使用 IFRAME 将数据从 javascript 传递到 Objective-c 时,在 shou

        getting about:blank in shouldStartLoadWithRequest while passing the data from javascript to objective-c using IFRAME in IOS 10(在 IOS 10 中使用 IFRAME 将数据从 javascript 传递到 Objective-c 时,在 shouldStartLoadWithRequest 中获取 about:bla
        <tfoot id='HootC'></tfoot>

          <small id='HootC'></small><noframes id='HootC'>

            <i id='HootC'><tr id='HootC'><dt id='HootC'><q id='HootC'><span id='HootC'><b id='HootC'><form id='HootC'><ins id='HootC'></ins><ul id='HootC'></ul><sub id='HootC'></sub></form><legend id='HootC'></legend><bdo id='HootC'><pre id='HootC'><center id='HootC'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='HootC'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='HootC'><tfoot id='HootC'></tfoot><dl id='HootC'><fieldset id='HootC'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                  <tbody id='HootC'></tbody>
                <legend id='HootC'><style id='HootC'><dir id='HootC'><q id='HootC'></q></dir></style></legend>
                  本文介绍了在 IOS 10 中使用 IFRAME 将数据从 javascript 传递到 Objective-c 时,在 shouldStartLoadWithRequest 中获取 about:blank的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在将我的数据从 javascript 传递到 Objective-c.为此,我正在使用 IFRAME.

                  I am passing my data from javascript to objective-c. for that I am using IFRAME.
                  Here is my code:

                  function openCustomURLinIFrame(src)
                      var rootElm = document.documentElement;
                      var newFrameElm = document.createElement("IFRAME");
                      //remove the frame now
                      newFrameElm = null;


                  - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
                      NSLog(@"Loading: %@", [request URL]);
                      NSURL *url = [request URL];
                      NSString *urlStr = url.absoluteString;
                      return [self processURL:urlStr];



                  Loading: about:blank

                  我使用的是 xCode 8.2.1,它在 IOS 9.3 中运行良好,但在 iOS 10.2 中无法运行.

                  I am using xCode 8.2.1 it is working well in IOS 9.3 but not working in iOS 10.2.

                  我在 .html 文件中的警报屏幕截图.

                  My alert screenshot in .html file.

                  我在其中调用 openCustomURLinIFrame 方法的 html 文件中的方法.

                  Method in html file in which I call openCustomURLinIFrame method.

                  function calliOSFunction(functionName, args, successCallback, errorCallback)
                      var url = "js2ios://";
                      var callInfo = {};
                      callInfo.functionname = functionName;
                      //alert("Custom menu clicked !!"+functionName);
                      if (successCallback)
                          //alert("Success !!"+functionName);
                          callInfo.success = successCallback;
                      if (errorCallback)
                          //alert("Error !!"+functionName);
                          callInfo.error = errorCallback;
                      if (args)
                          //alert("args !!"+args);
                          callInfo.args = args;
                      url += JSON.stringify(callInfo)   




                  Finally after long time I got my answer.

                  function calliOSFunction(functionName, args, successCallback, errorCallback)
                      var url = "js2ios:///";   /* Added one more "/" */
                      var callInfo = {};
                      callInfo.functionname = functionName;
                      //alert("Custom menu clicked !!"+functionName);
                      if (successCallback)
                          //alert("Success !!"+functionName);
                          callInfo.success = successCallback;
                      if (errorCallback)
                          //alert("Error !!"+functionName);
                          callInfo.error = errorCallback;
                      if (args)
                          //alert("args !!"+args);
                          callInfo.args = args;
                      url += JSON.stringify(callInfo)

                  我在 url 变量中再添加一个/".

                  I add one more "/" in url variable.

                  这篇关于在 IOS 10 中使用 IFRAME 将数据从 javascript 传递到 Objective-c 时,在 shouldStartLoadWithRequest 中获取 about:blank的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Getting an NSArray of a single attribute from an NSArray(从 NSArray 获取单个属性的 NSArray)
                  MFMessageComposeViewController alloc returns nil(MFMessageComposeViewController alloc 返回 nil)
                  How to add and get the values from .plist in iOS(如何在 iOS 中从 .plist 添加和获取值)
                  Automatic iVars with @synthesize(使用 @synthesize 的自动 iVar)
                  How to automatically delete oldest core data entries when reach 50 entry limit?(达到 50 个条目限制时如何自动删除最旧的核心数据条目?)
                  Creating a gradient fill for text using [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:](使用 [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:] 为文本创建渐变填充)

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