once in a while I run across a problem with provisioning a device with a dev version of an app . The error message is usually "a valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found".
我已遵循所有 Apple 说明:我拥有有效的开发人员证书,开发人员配置文件包含相关设备的设备 ID,代码设计在构建期间有效.我为我的开发人员身份设置了签名身份,Xcode 与开发配置文件相匹配,就像它应该的那样.
I have followed all the Apple instructions: I have a valid dev certificate, the developer provisioning profile includes the device ID of the device in question, codesigning works during build. I have the signing identity set for my developer identity, which Xcode matches up with the development provisioning profile just like it should.
然后,当我尝试通过在 xcode 中执行构建/运行"来在设备上安装应用程序时,我收到了上述错误,我完全不知所措.它在任何数量的其他设备上都可以正常工作,但由于某种原因,这个过程会轰炸一些设备.
Then, when I try to install the app on the device by doing a 'build/run' in xcode, I get the error described above, and I'm at a total loss. It works just fine on any number of other devices, but for some reason, there are a few devices for which this process bombs.
Here's the console log for the failed install on the device:
Sat Sep 18 11:41:14 unknown SpringBoard[27] <Warning>: Reloading and rendering all application icons.
Sat Sep 18 11:41:36 unknown installd[820] <Error>: 00503000 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620395
Sat Sep 18 11:41:36 unknown installd[820] <Error>: 00503000 preflight_application_install: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.pJ8ST8/MyApp.app
Sat Sep 18 11:41:36 unknown installd[820] <Error>: 00503000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Sat Sep 18 11:41:36 unknown mobile_installation_proxy[855] <Error>: handle_install: Installation failed
Sat Sep 18 11:41:36 unknown installd[820] <Error>: 00503000 handle_install: API failed
Sat Sep 18 11:41:36 unknown installd[820] <Error>: 00503000 send_message: failed to send mach message of 64 bytes: 10000003
Sat Sep 18 11:41:36 unknown installd[820] <Error>: 00503000 send_error: Could not send error response to client
Sat Sep 18 11:42:32 unknown MobileMail[809] <Warning>: SecItemCopyMatching result: -25300
Sat Sep 18 11:42:37 unknown MobileMail[809] <Warning>: SecItemCopyMatching result: -25300
Sat Sep 18 11:43:32 unknown CommCenter[31] <Notice>: com.apple.persistentconnection[MobileMail,809] is releasing its assertion on PDP context 0.
Sat Sep 18 11:44:53 unknown installd[866] <Error>: 00503000 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620395
Sat Sep 18 11:44:53 unknown installd[866] <Error>: 00503000 preflight_application_install: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.cgJjHu/MyApp.app
Sat Sep 18 11:44:53 unknown installd[866] <Error>: 00503000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Sat Sep 18 11:44:53 unknown mobile_installation_proxy[867] <Error>: handle_install: Installation failed
Sat Sep 18 11:44:53 unknown installd[866] <Error>: 00503000 handle_install: API failed
Sat Sep 18 11:44:53 unknown installd[866] <Error>: 00503000 send_message: failed to send mach message of 64 bytes: 10000003
Sat Sep 18 11:44:53 unknown installd[866] <Error>: 00503000 send_error: Could not send error response to client
我和团队遇到了和你一样的问题.它适用于除客户 iPod 之外的许多设备.我们尝试从头开始创造一切.应用 ID、配置、构建.没有运气.
Team and I ran into same issue as you. It work fine with many device except the customer iPod. We try to create everything from scratch. App ID, Provision, Build. No Luck.
所以,在 http://boga.wordpress.com/2008/07/16/debugging-ipod-provision-profilescertificates/
所以,我使用 Organize to sync 与 iTunes Connect 站点同步配置.然后使用 TextEdit (Vim) 检查配置文件.
so, I use the Organize to sync provision with iTunes Connect site. then check provision file with TextEdit (Vim).
应该会出现这一行.之后,我的 Adhoc 部署成功.
this line should be appear. After that my deploy with Adhoc success.
Hope this help, my configuration looks like this.
- 面向 iOS 3.1.3
- 基础 SDK 4.2
- LLVM GCC 4.2 构建
- Entitlement.plist 中的 get-task-allow 必须为 false
- 将管理器的配置与 iTunes Connect 同步