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        如何知道特定用户是否对 Android 应用进行了评分?

        How to know if a specific user has rated a Android App?(如何知道特定用户是否对 Android 应用进行了评分?)

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                  本文介绍了如何知道特定用户是否对 Android 应用进行了评分?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在我的 android 应用程序中,我需要实现一个功能,允许询问用户是否希望评价这个应用程序,如果响应是是",我将重定向到 androidmarket 应用程序,当用户已经评价了应用程序时,应用程序不应该再问他费率.所以我需要任何方法来知道用户是否已经对应用程序进行了评分.

                  In my android app i need implement a functionality that allow ask the user if he wish rate this app, if the response is "yes" i am going to redirect to androidmarket app, when the user already rated the app, the app shouldn't ask him for rate again. So i need any way to know if the user already has rated the app.

                  我正在使用 android-market-api 但我没有找到任何返回 WHO 评级的方法我的应用程序.
                  AppsRequest 返回全局评分,例如:5.
                  CommentsRequest 仅返回评论,但如果有一些用户在没有评论的情况下对应用进行评分,则 CommentsResponse 将返回空.

                  I am using the android-market-api but i didn't find any method that return WHO rated my app.
                  The AppsRequest returns the global rating, for example : 5.
                  The CommentsRequest returns only comments but if there are some users that rate the app without comments the CommentsResponse returns empty.
                  I need something like this:


                  app: myapp
                  user: jhonb78@gmail.com
                  rate: 3




                  There is no official way to know this. There shouldn't be.


                  The step from an application being able to determine what my rating for it is, to an application that attempt to retaliate because of a bad review is very small.

                  其中一些信息暴露给 android-market-api 等 3rd 方 API 的事实让我非常担心.我当然不会对任何申请留下任何评论.事实上,我什至不会对申请进行评分,而且我会建议我的任何朋友也不要这样做.

                  The fact that some of this information is exposed for 3rd party APIs like android-market-api worries me a lot. I will certainly not be leaving any comments for any application. In fact, I will not even rate applications, and I would be recommending to any of my friends to avoid doing so as well.


                  Now back to your particular problem:

                  您不应该依赖于知道用户是否对您的应用进行了评分/评论.您能做的最好的事情就是通过提供ReviewLater 按钮的对话框询问用户.如果用户点击Review,您就不会再问他了.如果用户点击稍后,你会在几天后再次 ping 他.如果用户点击稍后两次,他留下评论的可能性很小.事实上,你给用户的 bug 越多,他们留下负面评价的可能性就越大,所以我想说两次显示对话框可能是最好的方法.

                  you shouldn't rely on knowing if the user has rated/reviewed your application. The best you can do is ask the user with a dialog that offers Review, and Later buttons. If the user clicks on Review you never ask him again. if the user clicks on Later, you ping him in couple of days again. if the user clicked Later two times, chances that he will leave a review are slim. In fact, the more you bug the user, the more likely they will leave a negative rating, so I'd say showing the dialog twice is probably the best approach.

                  这篇关于如何知道特定用户是否对 Android 应用进行了评分?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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