自动在 Magento 中创建购物车价格规则

Creating a shopping cart price rule in Magento automatically(自动在 Magento 中创建购物车价格规则)
本文介绍了自动在 Magento 中创建购物车价格规则的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我想创建一个购物车价格规则,当用户在我的 Magento 网站上完成一个流程时,他们可以享受 10% 的订单折扣.

I'd like to create a shopping cart price rule that gives a user 10% off their order when and if they complete a process on my Magento site.


There's a method here that inserts the rule directly to the database. That's a bit invasive for my tastes.

我将如何使用 Magento 方法来解决这个问题?

How would I go about this using Magento methods?


作为一般原则,您应该能够完成 Magento 系统本身所做的任何事情,而无需编写一行 SQL.几乎所有的 Magento 数据结构都使用 Magento Model 类.

As a general principle, you should be able to do anything that the Magento system itself does without writing a single line of SQL. Almost all the Magento data structures use Magento Model classes.

在某处运行以下代码以查看销售规则/规则模型的样子.这假设您已经在管理员中创建了一个 ID 为 1 的购物车价格规则

Run the following code somewhere to see what a salesrule/rule model looks like. This assumes you've created a single Shopping Cart Price Rule in the admin with an ID of 1

    $coupon = Mage::getModel('salesrule/rule')->load(1);


Using the dumped data as a guide, we can programatically create a model using the following

    $coupon = Mage::getModel('salesrule/rule');
    $coupon->setName('test coupon')
    ->setDescription('this is a description')
    ->setCustomerGroupIds(array(1)) //an array of customer grou pids
    //serialized conditions.  the following examples are empty


For anyone that's curious, the above is generated code, using the technique discussed here

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