如何使用 PHP 监听 TCP 端口?

How to listen to a TCP port using PHP?(如何使用 PHP 监听 TCP 端口?)
本文介绍了如何使用 PHP 监听 TCP 端口?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 GPS 追踪器,它通过 GPRS 连接连接并发送数据到定义的公共服务器:端口.

I have a GPS Tracker that connects and send data to a defined public server:port through GPRS connection.

我可以定义 GPS 设备的 ip:port

I can define the ip:port of the GPS device

我的问题是,我可以在我的服务器中打开一个端口并使用 PHP 监听/保存接收到的数据吗?

My question is, can I just open a port in my server and listen/save the data received using PHP?



2017 年 8 月 16 日编辑/更新:用户和库作者 <@Navarr> 评论说,他发布了一个新的更新版本的库,我的原始答案中的代码基于该库.他的 github 上的新代码的链接.随意探索新代码并在此处参考原始示例以获取见解(我没有亲自探索/使用新代码).

Edit/Update Aug. 16, 2017 : User and library author <@Navarr> has commented that he has released a new, updated version of the library the code in my original answer was based from. A link to the new code on his github here. Feel free to explore the new code and refer back to the original example here for insight (I have no personally explored/used the new code).

以下代码将使用此处找到的 SocketServer.class.php 文件.它旨在作为独立进程运行,这意味着在 Linux 下我必须使文件可执行,然后使用php my_server.php"从命令行运行它.有关从命令行运行 php 脚本的更多信息:http://www.funphp.com/?p=33

The below code will use the SocketServer.class.php file found here. It is meant to be run as a standalone process which means under Linux I had to make the file executable, then run it from command line using "php my_server.php". For more information on running php scripts from command line: http://www.funphp.com/?p=33

首先在这里抓取 SocketServer.class.php 文件:http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/file/31975.html

First grab the SocketServer.class.php file here: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/file/31975.html


Try this to make use of it, then tweak it to handle receiving your own incoming data as needed. Hope it helps.


require_once("SocketServer.class.php"); // Include the File
$server = new SocketServer("",31337); // Create a Server binding to the given ip address and listen to port 31337 for connections
$server->max_clients = 10; // Allow no more than 10 people to connect at a time
$server->hook("CONNECT","handle_connect"); // Run handle_connect every time someone connects
$server->hook("INPUT","handle_input"); // Run handle_input whenever text is sent to the server
$server->infinite_loop(); // Run Server Code Until Process is terminated.

function handle_connect(&$server,&$client,$input)
    SocketServer::socket_write_smart($client->socket,"String? ","");
function handle_input(&$server,&$client,$input)
    // You probably want to sanitize your inputs here
    $trim = trim($input); // Trim the input, Remove Line Endings and Extra Whitespace.

    if(strtolower($trim) == "quit") // User Wants to quit the server
        SocketServer::socket_write_smart($client->socket,"Oh... Goodbye..."); // Give the user a sad goodbye message, meany!
        $server->disconnect($client->server_clients_index); // Disconnect this client.
        return; // Ends the function

    $output = strrev($trim); // Reverse the String

    SocketServer::socket_write_smart($client->socket,$output); // Send the Client back the String
    SocketServer::socket_write_smart($client->socket,"String? ",""); // Request Another String


为了保持此答案的相关性和功能性,我发现最好不要继续依赖来自外部来源的代码,这些代码可能并不总是可用(或在我的链接中提供的给定 URL 中).因此,为方便起见,我将在与本文顶部链接的 SocketServer.class.php 文件对应的代码下方添加.(对于复制/粘贴时的长度和可能缺少缩进/格式,我深表歉意,我不是以下代码的作者).

In keeping things relevant and functional for this answer I found it best not to continue to rely on code from an external source that may not always remain available (or at the given URL provided in my link). Therefore, for convenience, I am adding below the code that corresponds to the SocketServer.class.php file I linked to at the top of this post. (Apologies for length and possible lack of indentation/formatting while copy/pasting, I am not the author of the code below).

  /*! @class SocketServer
   @author Navarr Barnier
   @abstract A Framework for creating a multi-client server using the PHP language.
  class SocketServer
    /*! @var config
     @abstract Array - an array of configuration information used by the server.
    protected $config;

    /*! @var hooks
     @abstract Array - a dictionary of hooks and the callbacks attached to them.
    protected $hooks;

    /*! @var master_socket
     @abstract resource - The master socket used by the server.
    protected $master_socket;

    /*! @var max_clients
     @abstract unsigned int - The maximum number of clients allowed to connect.
    public $max_clients = 10;

    /*! @var max_read
     @abstract unsigned int - The maximum number of bytes to read from a socket at a single time.
    public $max_read = 1024;

    /*! @var clients
     @abstract Array - an array of connected clients.
    public $clients;

    /*! @function __construct
     @abstract Creates the socket and starts listening to it.
     @param string - IP Address to bind to, NULL for default.
     @param int - Port to bind to
     @result void
    public function __construct($bind_ip,$port)
    $this->hooks = array();

    $this->config["ip"] = $bind_ip;
    $this->config["port"] = $port;

    $this->master_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    socket_bind($this->master_socket,$this->config["ip"],$this->config["port"]) or die("Issue Binding");
    SocketServer::debug("Listenting for connections on {$bind_ip}:{$port}");

    /*! @function hook
     @abstract Adds a function to be called whenever a certain action happens. Can be extended in your implementation.
     @param string - Command
     @param callback- Function to Call.
     @see unhook
     @see trigger_hooks
     @result void
    public function hook($command,$function)
    $command = strtoupper($command);
    if(!isset($this->hooks[$command])) { $this->hooks[$command] = array(); }
    $k = array_search($function,$this->hooks[$command]);
    if($k === FALSE)
    $this->hooks[$command][] = $function;

    /*! @function unhook
     @abstract Deletes a function from the call list for a certain action. Can be extended in your implementation.
     @param string - Command
     @param callback- Function to Delete from Call List
     @see hook
     @see trigger_hooks
     @result void
    public function unhook($command = NULL,$function)
    $command = strtoupper($command);
    if($command !== NULL)
    $k = array_search($function,$this->hooks[$command]);
    if($k !== FALSE)
  } else {
    $k = array_search($this->user_funcs,$function);
    if($k !== FALSE)

    /*! @function loop_once
     @abstract Runs the class's actions once.
     @discussion Should only be used if you want to run additional checks during server operation. Otherwise, use infinite_loop()
     @param void
     @see infinite_loop
     @result bool - True
    public function loop_once()
    // Setup Clients Listen Socket For Reading
    $read[0] = $this->master_socket;
    for($i = 0; $i < $this->max_clients; $i++)
    $read[$i + 1] = $this->clients[$i]->socket;

    // Set up a blocking call to socket_select
    if(socket_select($read,$write = NULL, $except = NULL, $tv_sec = 5) < 1)
    // SocketServer::debug("Problem blocking socket_select?");
    return true;

    // Handle new Connections
    if(in_array($this->master_socket, $read))
    for($i = 0; $i < $this->max_clients; $i++)
    $temp_sock = $this->master_socket;
    $this->clients[$i] = new SocketServerClient($this->master_socket,$i);
    elseif($i == ($this->max_clients-1))
    SocketServer::debug("Too many clients... :( ");


    // Handle Input
    for($i = 0; $i < $this->max_clients; $i++) // for each client
    if(in_array($this->clients[$i]->socket, $read))
    $input = socket_read($this->clients[$i]->socket, $this->max_read);
    if($input == null)
    SocketServer::debug("{$i}@{$this->clients[$i]->ip} --> {$input}");
    return true;

    /*! @function disconnect
     @abstract Disconnects a client from the server.
     @param int - Index of the client to disconnect.
     @param string - Message to send to the hooks
     @result void
    public function disconnect($client_index,$message = "")
    $i = $client_index;
    SocketServer::debug("Client {$i} from {$this->clients[$i]->ip} Disconnecting");

    /*! @function trigger_hooks
     @abstract Triggers Hooks for a certain command.
     @param string - Command who's hooks you want to trigger.
     @param object - The client who activated this command.
     @param string - The input from the client, or a message to be sent to the hooks.
     @result void
    public function trigger_hooks($command,&$client,$input)
    foreach($this->hooks[$command] as $function)
    SocketServer::debug("Triggering Hook '{$function}' for '{$command}'");
    $continue = call_user_func($function,$this,$client,$input);
    if($continue === FALSE) { break; }

    /*! @function infinite_loop
     @abstract Runs the server code until the server is shut down.
     @see loop_once
     @param void
     @result void
    public function infinite_loop()
    $test = true;
    $test = $this->loop_once();

    /*! @function debug
     @abstract Outputs Text directly.
     @discussion Yeah, should probably make a way to turn this off.
     @param string - Text to Output
     @result void
    public static function debug($text)

    /*! @function socket_write_smart
     @abstract Writes data to the socket, including the length of the data, and ends it with a CRLF unless specified.
     @discussion It is perfectly valid for socket_write_smart to return zero which means no bytes have been written. Be sure to use the === operator to check for FALSE in case of an error.
     @param resource- Socket Instance
     @param string - Data to write to the socket.
     @param string - Data to end the line with. Specify a "" if you don't want a line end sent.
     @result mixed - Returns the number of bytes successfully written to the socket or FALSE on failure. The error code can be retrieved with socket_last_error(). This code may be passed to socket_strerror() to get a textual explanation of the error.
    public static function socket_write_smart(&$sock,$string,$crlf = "
    SocketServer::debug("<-- {$string}");
    if($crlf) { $string = "{$string}{$crlf}"; }
    return socket_write($sock,$string,strlen($string));

    /*! @function __get
     @abstract Magic Method used for allowing the reading of protected variables.
     @discussion You never need to use this method, simply calling $server->variable works because of this method's existence.
     @param string - Variable to retrieve
     @result mixed - Returns the reference to the variable called.
    function &__get($name)
    return $this->{$name};

  /*! @class SocketServerClient
   @author Navarr Barnier
   @abstract A Client Instance for use with SocketServer
  class SocketServerClient
    /*! @var socket
     @abstract resource - The client's socket resource, for sending and receiving data with.
    protected $socket;

    /*! @var ip
     @abstract string - The client's IP address, as seen by the server.
    protected $ip;

    /*! @var hostname
     @abstract string - The client's hostname, as seen by the server.
     @discussion This variable is only set after calling lookup_hostname, as hostname lookups can take up a decent amount of time.
     @see lookup_hostname
    protected $hostname;

    /*! @var server_clients_index
     @abstract int - The index of this client in the SocketServer's client array.
    protected $server_clients_index;

    /*! @function __construct
     @param resource- The resource of the socket the client is connecting by, generally the master socket.
     @param int - The Index in the Server's client array.
     @result void
    public function __construct(&$socket,$i)
    $this->server_clients_index = $i;
    $this->socket = socket_accept($socket) or die("Failed to Accept");
    SocketServer::debug("New Client Connected");
    $this->ip = $ip;

    /*! @function lookup_hostname
     @abstract Searches for the user's hostname and stores the result to hostname.
     @see hostname
     @param void
     @result string - The hostname on success or the IP address on failure.
    public function lookup_hostname()
    $this->hostname = gethostbyaddr($this->ip);
    return $this->hostname;

    /*! @function destroy
     @abstract Closes the socket. Thats pretty much it.
     @param void
     @result void
    public function destroy()

    function &__get($name)
    return $this->{$name};

    function __isset($name)
    return isset($this->{$name});

这篇关于如何使用 PHP 监听 TCP 端口?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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