在我公司的 MySQL 数据库中加密客户信息的最佳方法?

Best Way to Encrypt Customer Information in My Company#39;s MySQL DB?(在我公司的 MySQL 数据库中加密客户信息的最佳方法?)
本文介绍了在我公司的 MySQL 数据库中加密客户信息的最佳方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


长话短说,我们公司最近发生了一次入侵,其中我们的 MySQL 数据库被转储和窃取.高管们现在真的很紧张,除了加强其他安全措施外,他们还打算对数据库中的所有客户信息(电子邮件地址、家庭地址、姓名等)进行加密.

So long story short, our company recently had an intrusion wherein our MySQL DB was dumped and stolen. The execs are really nervous now and in addition to upping other security measures, they are intent on encrypting all customer information (email address, home address, names, and the like) in the DB.

我不确定从哪里开始.我们运行一个 PHP 应用程序.显然,这会产生一些我们希望最小化的额外开销.另一个问题是在使用新加密字段的地方更改代码的难度.

I am unsure of where to begin on this. We run a PHP app. Obviously, this is going to create some additional overhead that we'd like to minimize. Another concern is going to be the difficulty in changing the code wherever the new encrypted fields are used.


This strikes me as an unnecessary precaution, but management seems firm on it.


What type of encryption algorithm/method would be best for this use case?


这里有一篇关于如何使用 MySQL 执行此操作的非常好的文章:http://thinkdiff.net/mysql/encrypt-mysql-data-using-aes-techniques/.

There is a very good writeup on how to do this with MySQL here: http://thinkdiff.net/mysql/encrypt-mysql-data-using-aes-techniques/.

您会希望将 AES 与 256 位密钥一起使用,因为这是目前流行的最佳实践/标准.256 位 AES 密钥被认为具有足够的大小,可以抵御现代计算能力.

You'll want to use AES with 256bit keys, as that is the prevailing best-practice/standard right now. 256bit AES keys are considered to be of sufficient size to be secure against modern computing power.


It's a good idea, regardless of if you think it's overkill or not, to encrypt your database. Even if the data isn't horribly sensitive, the loss of customer records can be very embarrassing to your company, at the very least, and could adversely affect customer confidence and people's willingness to hand over their data in the future. Encrypting the full contents of your database may not be industry-standard right now but trends are moving that way and it cannot hurt you to adopt a stronger security posture. If nothing else, think of it as another entry in your Defense-In-Depth implementation.

我还建议您查看这篇文章 - http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/secure-mysql-database-design - 因为它提供了一个很好的、相当基本的安全数据库系统设计介绍,应该会给你一些关于其他事情的指导,以检查你的申请.

I would also recommend you check this article out - http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/secure-mysql-database-design - as it provides a good, fairly basic, introduction to secure database system design that should give you some pointers on other things to check for your application.

这篇关于在我公司的 MySQL 数据库中加密客户信息的最佳方法?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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