正则表达式匹配带有可选的“www"和协议的 URL

regex to match a URL with optional #39;www#39; and protocol(正则表达式匹配带有可选的“www和协议的 URL)
本文介绍了正则表达式匹配带有可选的“www"和协议的 URL的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



I'm trying to write a regexp.

一些背景信息:我尝试查看我网站 URL 的 REQUEST_URI 是否包含另一个 URL.像这样:

some background info: I am try to see if the REQUEST_URI of my website's URL contains another URL. like these:

  • http://mywebsite.com/google.com/search=xyz


However, the url wont always contain the 'http' or the 'www'. so the pattern should also match strings like:

  • http://mywebsite.com/yahoo.org/search=xyz
  • http://mywebsite.com/www.yahoo.org/search=xyz
  • http://mywebsite.com/msn.co.uk'
  • http://mywebsite.com/http://msn.co.uk'

有一堆正则表达式可以匹配 url,但我发现没有一个可以在 http 和 www 上进行可选匹配.

there are a bunch of regexps out there to match urls but none I have found do an optional match on the http and www.


i'm wondering if the pattern to match could be something like:


我想也许另一个选择是匹配任何包含点 (.) 的字符串.(因为我的应用程序中的其他 REQUEST_URI 通常不包含点)

I thought maybe another option was to perhaps just match any string that had a dot (.) in it. (as the other REQUEST_URI's in my application typically won't contain dots)


Does this make sense to anyone? I'd really appreciate some help with this its been blocking my project for weeks.



我建议使用一种简单的方法,基本上是建立在你所说的基础上,只是任何带有点的东西,但也使用正斜杠.捕获所有内容而不会错过不寻常的 URL.所以就像:

I suggest using a simple approach, essentially building on what you said, just anything with a dot in it, but working with the forward slashes too. To capture everything and not miss unusual URLs. So something like:



  • 可选 http://或 https://
  • 非点或正斜杠字符
  • 一组或多组点后跟非点或正斜杠字符
  • 可选的正斜杠及其后的任何内容


Capturing the whole thing to the first grouping.


  • nic.uk
  • nic.uk/
  • http://nic.uk
  • http://nic.uk/
  • https://example.com/test/?a=bcd

验证它们是有效的 URL 是另一回事!它也会匹配:

Verifying they are valid URLs is another story! It would also match:

  • index.php


  • 目录/index.php


The minimal match is basically something.something, with no forward slash in it, unless it comes at least one character past the dot. So just be sure not to use that format for anything else.

这篇关于正则表达式匹配带有可选的“www"和协议的 URL的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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