MVC ajax 调用 - 在哪里处理它们?

MVC ajax calls - where to handle them?(MVC ajax 调用 - 在哪里处理它们?)
本文介绍了MVC ajax 调用 - 在哪里处理它们?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个正在构建的自卷式 MVC 框架,到目前为止已经设法避免了对任何 AJAX 调用的需要.但是,现在我想创建一个实时更新的提要.

I have a self-rolled MVC framework that I am building, and up to this point have managed to avoid the need for any AJAX calls. Now, however, I'd like to create a real-time updating feed.

我的问题是,通常在 MVC 中存储的 ajax 调用处理程序在哪里?我应该将它们存储在参与调用的同一个控制器中吗?

My question is, where are the handlers for the ajax calls usually stored in an MVC? Should I store them in the same controller that is involved in making the call?

例如,如果我的域 是控制器,blogs 是方法)正在对更新的博客列表进行 AJAX 调用,该调用是否只是对 www.example 的调用.com/browse/update_list 什么的?

For example, if my domain (browse is the controller, blogs is the method) is making an AJAX call for an updated list of blogs, would the call simply be to or something?

或者,它是一个单独的 AJAX-only 控制器吗?

OR, so it be to a separate AJAX-only controller?



我认为 Ajax 请求与非 Ajax 请求完全相同:实际上,从HTTP 协议.

I'd say an Ajax request is exactly the same as a non-Ajax one : it works exactly the same way, actually, from a point of view of HTTP Protocol.

唯一的区别是您返回的是一些非格式化数据,如 JSON 或 XML (嘿,这与生成 ATOM 提要 ^^ 相同),或者只是一个HTML 页面.

The only difference is that you are returning some non-formated data, as JSON or XML (hey, this is the same as generating an ATOM feed ^^ ), or only a portion of an HTML page.

因此,我会将它们视为任何其他普通"HTTP 请求,并按照非 Ajax 请求的方式放置它们.

So, I would treat those as any other "normal" HTTP request, and place them the way I would for non-Ajax requests.

一种半替代的想法可能是在您的控制器中只有一个操作:/browse/blogs -- 并始终调用该操作.

A semi-alternate idea might be to have only one action in your controlller : /browse/blogs -- and always call that one.

但是,它会检测它是否通过 Ajax 请求,并且会:

But, it would detect if it's being via an Ajax request or not, and would :

  • 如果通过正常"请求调用,则返回完整页面
  • 或者如果通过 Ajax 请求调用,则只返回一些数据(或页面的一部分)

注意:这不是一个疯狂"的想法;例如,Zend Framework 提供了一些东西来促进这一点(参见 ContextSwitch 和 AjaxContext )

Note : that's not a "wild" idea ; Zend Framework, for instance, provides some stuff to facilitate that (see ContextSwitch and AjaxContext )

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