默认关闭 WooCommerce 产品标签

Close WooCommerce Product Tabs by default(默认关闭 WooCommerce 产品标签)
本文介绍了默认关闭 WooCommerce 产品标签的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


默认情况下,WooCommerce 中的产品标签会自动打开第一个.是否可以默认将它们全部关闭,需要您单击它才能查看更多内容?

我尝试了以下代码,但似乎没有做到.也许有一个 PHP 代码可以完成它或一些简单的东西?


setTimeout(function() {var $tabs = jQuery( '.wc-tabs, ul.tabs' ).first();$tabs.parent().find('#tab-description').hide();$tabs.parent().find('.tab-title-description').removeClass('active');}, 10);


更新 - 你应该试试:

//条件显示根据选择的运输方式隐藏结帐字段add_action('wp_footer', 'close_all_product_tabs');函数 close_all_product_tabs(){//仅在单个产品页面上如果(!is_product())返回;?><脚本>jQuery(函数($){设置超时(功能(){$('#tab-description').hide( function(){$( 'li#tab-title-description' ).removeClass('active');});}, 200);});<?php}

此代码位于活动子主题(或主题)的 function.php 文件或任何插件文件中.




 jQuery(function($){jQuery(函数($){设置超时(功能(){$('#tab-description').hide( function(){$( 'li#description_tab' ).removeClass('active');});}, 200);});});






- `$('div.tab-panels').addClass('hidden');` 以及这个隐藏"类的一些 CSS 规则- `$('div.tab-panels').css('opacity', '0');`- `$('div.tab-panels').css('visibility', 'hidden');`


-`$('div.tab-panels').removeClass('hidden');`- `$('div.tab-panels').css('opacity', '1');`- `$('div.tab-panels').css('visibility', 'visible');`


By default Product Tabs in WooCommerce auto opens the first one. Is it possible to have them all closed by default, requiring you to click it to see more?

I have tried the following code, but it does not seem to do it. Perhaps there is a PHP code that does it or something simple?

I already tried this without luck:

setTimeout(function() {
    var $tabs = jQuery( '.wc-tabs, ul.tabs' ).first();
    $tabs.parent().find( '.tab-title-description' ).removeClass('active');
}, 10);


Updated - You should try instead:

// Conditional Show hide checkout fields based on chosen shipping methods
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'close_all_product_tabs' );
function close_all_product_tabs(){
    // Only on single product pages
    if( ! is_product() ) return;
            setTimeout(function() {
                $('#tab-description').hide( function(){
                    $( 'li#tab-title-description' ).removeClass('active');
            }, 200);

This code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or theme) or also in any plugin file.

Tested and works

This is an edit specifically to the authors theme structure which is customized:

            setTimeout(function() {
                $('#tab-description').hide( function(){
                    $( 'li#description_tab' ).removeClass('active');
            }, 200);

Now in your theme, there is specifically a <div> container for all your content tabs, that WooCommerce don't have by default:

<div class="tab-panels">

This container has a grey border and some padding, so when you hide the description tab, it stays empty like a white flat rectangle with a grey border, which is not very nice. so you should need to hide it or to give him 0 opacity

To hide it You can handle this in many other ways using:

- `$('div.tab-panels').addClass('hidden');` and some CSS rules for this 'hidden' class
- `$('div.tab-panels').css('opacity', '0');`
- `$('div.tab-panels').css('visibility', 'hidden');`

Once hidden, you will need to make it visible when a button is clicked (and this is the harder part):

- `$('div.tab-panels').removeClass('hidden');`
- `$('div.tab-panels').css('opacity', '1');`
- `$('div.tab-panels').css('visibility', 'visible');`

The hardest thing will be to get the click event to trigger this…

这篇关于默认关闭 WooCommerce 产品标签的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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