支付成功后,Woocommerce中触发What hook

After a successful payment, What hook is triggered in Woocommerce(支付成功后,Woocommerce中触发What hook)
本文介绍了支付成功后,Woocommerce中触发What hook的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


在 Woocommerce 中,要向客户发送短信付款信息,我需要在成功付款后激活触发器.



if ( isset( $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_enable'] ) ) {add_action( '####Action 在这里使用#######', array( &$this, 'successful_payment_notification_client' ) );}/* WooCommerce 支付成功通知客户端** @param $order_id*/公共函数 success_payment_notification_client ( $order_id ) {//检查移动字段是否为空如果(空($_REQUEST['mobile'])){返回;}$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );$this->sms->to = array( $_REQUEST['mobile'] );$template_vars = 数组('%order_id%' =>$order_id,'%order_number%' =>$order->get_order_number(),'%status%' =>$order->get_status(),'%billing_first_name%' =>$_REQUEST['billing_first_name'],'%billing_last_name%' =>$_REQUEST['billing_last_name'],'%transaction_id%' =>get_post_meta( $order_id,'_payment_method_title', true ),);$message = str_replace( array_keys( $template_vars ), array_values( $template_vars ), $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_message'] );$this->sms->msg = $message;$this->sms->SendSMS();}




你应该尝试使用 woocommerce_payment_complete 动作钩子,它是专门为此制作的,位于 woocommerce_payment_completea href="https://docs.woocommerce.com/wc-apidocs/source-class-WC_Order.html#122" rel="nofollow noreferrer">WC_Order payment_completed() 方法.它在成功付款后立即触发.所以试试:

if ( isset( $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_enable'] ) ) {add_action( 'woocommerce_payment_complete', array( &$this, 'successful_payment_notification_client' ) );}


您还应该尝试将 array( &$this, 替换为 array( $this, .


if ( isset( $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_enable'] ) ) {add_action('woocommerce_payment_complete_order_status_processing', array( &$this, 'successful_payment_notification_client' ) );}


您还应该尝试将 array( &$this, 替换为 array( $this, .

或使用 woocommerce_order_status_processing 钩子 (但有 2 个参数:$order_id$order):>

if ( isset( $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_enable'] ) ) {add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_processing', array( &$this, 'successful_payment_notification_client' ) );}


您还应该尝试将 array( &$this, 替换为 array( $this, .



如果没有构造函数(比如一个类)或没有实例化对象,你应该这样使用 add() 动作函数:

 add_action( 'the_hook', 'the_hooked_function', $priority, $nb_of_args );

In Woocommerce, to send sms payment information to the customer, I need to activate a trigger after a successful payment.

But I didn't find any hook do it

This is my plugin code:

if ( isset( $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_enable'] ) ) {
    add_action( '####Action to be used here#######', array( &$this, 'successful_payment_notification_client' ) );

/* WooCommerce Successful payment notification client 
 * @param $order_id
public function successful_payment_notification_client ( $order_id ) {
    // Check the mobile field is empty
    if ( empty( $_REQUEST['mobile'] ) ) {
    $order          = new WC_Order( $order_id );
    $this->sms->to  = array( $_REQUEST['mobile'] );
    $template_vars  = array(
        '%order_id%'           => $order_id,
        '%order_number%'       => $order->get_order_number(),
        '%status%'             => $order->get_status(),
        '%billing_first_name%' => $_REQUEST['billing_first_name'],
        '%billing_last_name%'  => $_REQUEST['billing_last_name'],
        '%transaction_id%'     => get_post_meta( $order_id,'_payment_method_title', true ),
    $message        = str_replace( array_keys( $template_vars ), array_values( $template_vars ), $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_message'] );
    $this->sms->msg = $message;

The desired hook should come in line two of my code.

Any help will be appreciated.


You should try to use woocommerce_payment_complete action hook that is just made specifically for that and located in WC_Order payment_completed() method. It's triggered jus after a successful payment. So try:

if ( isset( $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_enable'] ) ) {
    add_action( 'woocommerce_payment_complete', array( &$this, 'successful_payment_notification_client' ) );

You should try also to replace array( &$this, by array( $this, instead.

Or using woocommerce_payment_complete_order_status_processing hook:

if ( isset( $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_enable'] ) ) {
    add_action( 'woocommerce_payment_complete_order_status_processing', array( &$this, 'successful_payment_notification_client' ) );

You should try also to replace array( &$this, by array( $this, instead.

or using woocommerce_order_status_processing hook (but with 2 arguments: $order_id and $order):

if ( isset( $this->options['wc_notify_customer_payment_successful_enable'] ) ) {
    add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_processing', array( &$this, 'successful_payment_notification_client' ) );

You should try also to replace array( &$this, by array( $this, instead.

Code goes in your plugin file…

If there is no constructor (like for a class) or no instantiated object, you should use add() action function this way:

 add_action( 'the_hook', 'the_hooked_function', $priority, $nb_of_args );

这篇关于支付成功后,Woocommerce中触发What hook的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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