preg_replace 导致美元符号被删除

preg_replace causing dollar signs get removed(preg_replace 导致美元符号被删除)
本文介绍了preg_replace 导致美元符号被删除的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



I have an email system, where user write a message and it will send the message. The main problem which I just found, consider this code

    $findEmail = $this->Data->field('body', array('id' => 1610));

    //$getUserEmailTemplate will take frm dbase and e.g: 
    //Hi, @@MESSAGE@@. From: StackOverflow
    //It should change @@MESSAGE@@ part to data from $findEmail (in this example is the $74.97 ...)

    $getUserEmailTemplate = $findUser['User']['email_template'];
    $emailMessage = preg_replace('/B@@MESSAGE@@B/u', $findEmail, $getUserEmailTemplate);


并为 $findemail 结果的电子邮件考虑此输入:

and consider this input for the email for $findemail result:


$email 消息将导致:

$email Message will result in:


我该如何解决这个问题?我觉得我的 preg_replace 模式有问题.

How can I fix this? I feel like there's problem with my preg_replace pattern.


User template can be anything, as long as there is @@MESSAGE@@ which, that part will be changed to the user message input.



预解析替换文本以在后跟数字时转义 $(记住 $n> 在替换文本中使用时具有特殊含义).请参阅 文档页面上的评论:

Pre-parse the replacement text to escape the $ when followed by a number (remember that $n has special meaning when using in the replacement text). See the comment on the docs page:

如果您的替换文本有可能包含任何字符串,例如$0.95",你需要避开那些 $n 反向引用:

If there's a chance your replacement text contains any strings such as "$0.95", you'll need to escape those $n backreferences:

  function escape_backreference($x){
    return preg_replace('/$(d)/', '\$$1', $x);

这篇关于preg_replace 导致美元符号被删除的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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