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        Display number of visitors of google analytics on website(在网站上显示谷歌分析的访问者数量)
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                1. 本文介绍了在网站上显示谷歌分析的访问者数量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  A client asked me to display the number of hits/visitors in their website. I would like to know how can you do display this.


                  I would insert it in my footer as displayed:

                  如果谷歌分析无法实现,您是否知道一个可以工作的片段?我检查过提供服务的网站,但他们会收集信息,我想学习自己或使用谷歌分析来做这件事.我的文件是 PHP,所以也许我可以用它做些什么?

                  If not possible with google analytics, do you know of a snippet which will work? I've checked websites which offer their services but they recollect information and I would like to learn to do it myself or with google analytics. My files are PHP so maybe there is something I can do with that?


                  您可以使用 google anlaytics api ,它可以在您的 google api 控制台中启用.要了解给定时间段内的访问者数量,您可以使用 Core Reporting API 要实时了解当前访问者的数量,您可以使用 实时报告 API

                  You can use google anlaytics api , which can be enabled in your google api console. For knowing the number of visitors in given time period, you can utilize Core Reporting API and for knowing the current number of visitors in real time , you can use Realtime Reporting API




                  How do I pass parameters into a PHP script through a webpage?(如何通过网页将参数传递给 PHP 脚本?)
                  PHP - include a php file and also send query parameters(PHP - 包含一个 php 文件并发送查询参数)
                  Where can I read about conditionals done with quot;?quot; and quot;:quot; (colon)?(我在哪里可以阅读有关使用“?完成的条件的信息?和“:(冒号)?)
                  Accessing arrays whitout quoting the key(在不引用键的情况下访问数组)
                  What is the name for the quot;lt;lt;lt;quot; operator?(“lt;lt;lt;的名字是什么?操作员?)
                  default as first option in switch statement?(默认为 switch 语句中的第一个选项?)

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