I need to check the validity of a coupon code on the checkout/cart page with server-side code.
Magento 已经提供了类似的检查.但是,我需要添加一个以查看用户是否已连接:在 Magento 中扩展/覆盖该操作的最佳方法是什么?
Magento already ships with a similar check in place. However, I need to add one to see if a user is connected or not: what would be the best way to extend/override that action in Magento?
我知道我可以将控制器 PHP 文件复制到 /app/code/local/
I know I can copy the controller PHP file to the /app/code/local/
folder tree, but I'm wondering whether there's a better way to do it.
在我看来,除了修改 core
之外的任何事情都很好.话虽如此,使用 config.xml 创建一个带有控制器目录等的简单模块:
Anything besides modifying the core
is good in my opinion. With that said create a simple module with a controllers directory and etc with config.xml:
<My_Module before="Mage_Checkout">My_Module_Checkout</My_Module>
See here for more details on how to extend the frontend controller: http://prattski.com/2010/06/24/magento-overriding-core-files-blocks-models-resources-controllers/
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