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      1. 将对象从一页移动到另一页?

        move object from 1 page to another?(将对象从一页移动到另一页?)
        <i id='DSLwa'><tr id='DSLwa'><dt id='DSLwa'><q id='DSLwa'><span id='DSLwa'><b id='DSLwa'><form id='DSLwa'><ins id='DSLwa'></ins><ul id='DSLwa'></ul><sub id='DSLwa'></sub></form><legend id='DSLwa'></legend><bdo id='DSLwa'><pre id='DSLwa'><center id='DSLwa'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='DSLwa'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='DSLwa'><tfoot id='DSLwa'></tfoot><dl id='DSLwa'><fieldset id='DSLwa'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                1. 本文介绍了将对象从一页移动到另一页?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  伙计们.我对 PHP 中的 OOP 有点陌生.我已经学会了如何编写和创建对象.有没有办法获取一个对象并将其传递给另一个脚本?使用 GET 或 POST 或 SESSION 或其他.如果没有,我将如何在一个页面上为对象分配一些变量,然后在另一页上为同一对象分配更多变量?

                  Hay guys. I'm kinda new to OOP in PHP. I've learnt how to write and create objects. Is there a way to take an object and pass it to another script? either using GET or POST or SESSION or whatever. If there isn't how would i assign an object some variables on one page, then assign the same object more variables on another page?



                  您可以在会话中存储对象,但您需要在调用 session_start() 之前包含包含类定义的文件(或使用 类自动加载 并在开始会话之前进行设置).例如:

                  You can store objects in the session but you need to include the file which contains the class definition before calling session_start() (or use class autoloading and set this up before you start the session). For example:


                  //include class definition
                  //start session


                  $object = new class();
                  $object->someProperty = 'hello';
                  //store in session
                  $_SESSION['object'] = $object;


                  $object = $_SESSION['object'];
                  //add something else, which will be stored in the session
                  $object->anotherPropery = 'Something';




                  Appending GET parameters to URL from lt;formgt; action(将 GET 参数附加到来自 lt;formgt; 的 URL行动)
                  Forcing quot;Save Asquot; dialog via jQuery GET(强制“另存为通过 jQuery GET 对话框)
                  PHP - get certain word from string(PHP - 从字符串中获取某个单词)
                  How to debug a get request in php using curl(如何使用 curl 在 php 中调试 get 请求)
                  get a # from a url in php(从 php 中的 url 获取 #)
                  PHP - include() file not working when variables are put in url?(PHP - 将变量放入 url 时,include() 文件不起作用?)
                  <i id='9SQBd'><tr id='9SQBd'><dt id='9SQBd'><q id='9SQBd'><span id='9SQBd'><b id='9SQBd'><form id='9SQBd'><ins id='9SQBd'></ins><ul id='9SQBd'></ul><sub id='9SQBd'></sub></form><legend id='9SQBd'></legend><bdo id='9SQBd'><pre id='9SQBd'><center id='9SQBd'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='9SQBd'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='9SQBd'><tfoot id='9SQBd'></tfoot><dl id='9SQBd'><fieldset id='9SQBd'></fieldset></dl></div>
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