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      1. PHP致命错误:找不到类'AMQPConnection'

        PHP Fatal error: Class #39;AMQPConnection#39; not found(PHP致命错误:找不到类AMQPConnection)
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                1. 本文介绍了PHP致命错误:找不到类'AMQPConnection'的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我已经看过这个问题.它表明未安装 AMQP PECL 扩展.但是,我已经成功安装了 RabbitMQ 以及构建的 PECL AMQP 扩展.以下是phpinfo()的输出.

                  I've already seen this question. It suggests that AMQP PECL extension is not installed. However, I have successfully installed both RabbitMQ as well as built PECL AMQP extension. The following is the output of the phpinfo().

                  可以清楚地看到,AMQP 加载正确.但是,当我尝试建立连接时,它显示 PHP 致命错误:找不到类 'AMQPConnection'.下面是代码.

                  You can clearly see, AMQP is loaded correctly. However, when I try to establish a connection, it says PHP Fatal error: Class 'AMQPConnection' not found. Below is the code.

                  $connection = new AMQPConnection();


                  user@ubuntu:~$ php repos/default/test.php
                  PHP Fatal error:  Class 'AMQPConnection' not found in /home/user/repos/default/test.php on line 5


                  Why this might happen? Any suggestions? Thank you.


                  问题很可能是 CLI 安装使用了与 web/Apache 模块不同的 php.ini 文件,您需要在 CLI php 中添加扩展.ini 文件也是如此.具体在哪里取决于您的平台.

                  The problem is most likely that the CLI installation uses a different php.ini file than the web/Apache module and you need to add the extension to the CLI php.ini file as well. Where exactly that is depends on your platform.




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