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        PHP: How to identify AND CHANGE duplicate values in an array?(PHP:如何识别和更改数组中的重复值?)
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                  好的,在 php 数组中有很多重复检测和删除的例子,使用 array_unique() 等但是如果你想找到 dups,修改它们,在循环中再次检查,直到所有 dup 现在都是唯一的?

                  OK, there are a lot of examples of duplicate detection and removal in php arrays, using array_unique() etc but what if you want to find dups, modify them, check again in a loop until all dups are now unique?

                  我认为这有点像使用 array_filter()... 所以作为一个更具体的例子,下面是一个类似这样的 sql 语句的结果:

                  I think it's something like using array_filter()... so as a more specific example, here's what would come out of a sql statement something like this:

                  SELECT id, list.comboname 
                  FROM list
                     INNER JOIN (
                        SELECT comboname 
                        FROM list
                         GROUP BY comboname 
                         HAVING count(id) > 1
                     ) dup ON list.comboname = dup.comboname


                  Array ( 
                      [0] => 49 
                      [1] => big.dup  
                      [2] => 233  
                      [3] => another.duplicate  
                      [4] => 653  
                      [5] => big.dup  
                      [6] => 387  
                      [7] => big.dup  
                      [8] => 729  
                      [9] => another.duplicate  
                      [10] => 1022  
                      [11] => big.dup   

                  现在我想要的是一些 PHP 删除字符直到句号,所以它们是唯一的 [或者如果需要在末尾添加数字]

                  Now what I want is some PHP to delete characters until the period so they are unique [or add numbers if needed to the end]


                  Array (  
                      [0] => 49  
                      [1] => big.dup  
                      [2] => 233  
                      [3] => another.duplicate  
                      [4] => 653  
                      [5] => big.du  
                      [6] => 387  
                      [7] => big.d  
                      [8] => 729  
                      [9] => another.duplicat  
                      [10] => 1022  
                      [11] => big.dup1  

                  在保留原始值(即 big.dup 和另一个

                  While retaining the original value (i.e. big.dup and another.duplicate)... I've looked through just about every PHP array function trying to imagine a strategy ... ideas?



                  For the array in your question and for adding numbers at the end if a duplicate, you only need to loop over the array once and temporary build up a helper array that stores if a value has been already found (and how often):

                  $found = array();
                  foreach($array as &$value)
                      if (is_int($value)) continue; # skip integer values
                      if (isset($found[$value]))
                          $value = sprintf('%s-%d', $value, ++$found[$value]);
                          $found[$value] = 0;





                  PHP Upload File Validation(PHP 上传文件验证)
                  PHP Error - Uploading a file(PHP 错误 - 上传文件)
                  How can I write tests for file upload in PHP?(如何在 PHP 中编写文件上传测试?)
                  php resizing image on upload rotates the image when i don#39;t want it to(php在上传时调整图像大小会在我不想要它时旋转图像)
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                  change button text in js/ajax after mp4 =gt;mp3 conversion in php(在 php 中的 mp4 =gt;mp3 转换后更改 js/ajax 中的按钮文本)
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