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      2. 如何在 xampp 中关闭通知报告?

        How to turn off notice reporting in xampp?(如何在 xampp 中关闭通知报告?)
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                  本文介绍了如何在 xampp 中关闭通知报告?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在远程服务器上没有问题,但在本地主机(xampp 3.1.)我无法关闭报告通知.

                  On a remote server there is no problem, but in localhost (xampp 3.1.) I cannot turn off reporting notices.

                  $Fname = $_POST["Fname"];


                  Notice: Undefined index: Fname in D:xampphtdocsxxphp01form01.php on line 6


                  ; Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED
                  ; Development Value: E_ALL
                  ; Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
                  ; http://php.net/error-reporting
                  error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE  //shouldn't this line turn off notice reporting ?



                  尝试在 $Fname = $_POST["Fname"];行.error_reporting 属性值是多少?请参阅 this 或 this 了解表格中显示的值.

                  Try to do a phpinfo(); just before your $Fname = $_POST["Fname"]; line. What's the error_reporting property value ? See this or this to understand the value displayed in the table.

                  如果不是您所期望的,请检查该属性是否未被 php.ini 更改.您也可能编辑了错误的 php.ini 文件:XAMPP 倾向于复制原始 php.ini 文件并创建自己的文件.使用phpinfo();,在表格中搜索'php.ini'字符串:你会找到所使用的php.ini文件的路径.

                  If it's not what you expected, check that the property is not changed by php. It's also possible you edited the wrong php.ini file : XAMPP tends to copy the original php.ini file and create his own. Use phpinfo();, search for 'php.ini' string in the table : you will find the path of the php.ini file used.

                  最后一件事,也许问题是您在更改 php.ini 文件后没有正确重新启动 apache.问题是 xamp 是 apache 服务的一个独特进程.关闭 XAMP 不会使 apache 服务停止,你最好使用 XAMPP 控制面板来停止/启动 apache.

                  Last thing, maybe the problem is that you did not properly restarted apache after you changed php.ini file. The thing is that xamp is a distinct process of the apache service. Closing XAMP do not make apache service to be stopped, you better use XAMPP Control Panel to stop/start apache.

                  这篇关于如何在 xampp 中关闭通知报告?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Converting string to MySQL timestamp format in php(在php中将字符串转换为MySQL时间戳格式)
                  datetime to timestamp(日期时间到时间戳)
                  PHP timestamp date to user timezone(PHP时间戳日期到用户时区)
                  Converting TIMESTAMP to unix time in PHP?(在 PHP 中将 TIMESTAMP 转换为 unix 时间?)
                  Convert ISO 8601 to unixtimestamp(将 ISO 8601 转换为 unixtimestamp)
                  Finding days between 2 unix timestamps in php(在php中查找2个unix时间戳之间的天数)
                  • <bdo id='zFBvE'></bdo><ul id='zFBvE'></ul>

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