我刚刚下载并安装了 XAMPP 5.6.11,并从控制面板启动了所有工具.我看到它的一个新功能是它有一个欢迎/仪表板页面.
I've just downloaded and installed XAMPP 5.6.11 and started all the tools from the control panel. I've seen that one of it's new features is that it has a Welcome/Dashboard page.
以前,转到 会转到语言选择页面,然后转到可以配置 XAMPP 的橙黄色页面.现在,转到 或点击 XAMPP 控制面板中 Apache 的管理"按钮,无论如何都会将我带到仪表板/欢迎页面.
Previously, going to would take me to a language selection page and then to a orange-yellow page where I could configure XAMPP. Now, going to or hitting Apache's "Admin" button in the XAMPP Control Panel takes me to the dashboard/welcome page no matter what.
一件奇怪的事情:尝试访问 http://localhost/xampp/ 会显示一个空目录列表.我想也许我的安装很糟糕,所以我重新安装了 XAMPP.仍然没有运气.甚至尝试安装 Apache 5.5.27.同样的问题.
One curious thing: attempting to go to http://localhost/xampp/ shows me an empty directory listing. I figured perhaps my install was botched so I reinstalled XAMPP. Still no luck. Even tried installing Apache 5.5.27. Same problem.
同样的问题,对比 5.6.11 和 5.6.8 中的 htdocs/xampp 文件夹,我看到 5.6.11 中的所有文件都丢失了.将整个 htdocs/xampp 文件夹从 5.6.8 复制到 5.6.11 并且工作正常.
Same issue here, comparing the htdocs/xampp folder in 5.6.11 with 5.6.8 I saw all the files there are missing in 5.6.11. Copied the entire htdocs/xampp folder from 5.6.8 to 5.6.11 and worked fine.
这篇关于XAMPP 一直显示仪表板/欢迎页面而不是配置页面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!