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        Can#39;t get composer quot;pathquot; repository to work(无法获得作曲家“路径存储库工作)

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                1. 本文介绍了无法获得作曲家“路径"存储库工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I have a directory structure like so:

                  composer.json < Main
                          composer.json < Package


                      "name": "vagrant/composer-test",
                      "repositories": [
                               "type": "path",
                              "url": "packages/*/*"
                      "require": {
                          "balunker/testpackage": "*"

                  虽然包 composer.json 看起来像这样:

                  While the package composer.json looks like so:

                    "name": "balunker/testpackage",
                    "autoload": {
                      "psr-4": {
                        "Balunker\": "src/"

                  composer update 上,我简单地收到一条消息,指出无法解析包.没有创建符号链接,也没有安装包.我确实花了半天时间来解决这个问题,但没有任何成功.

                  On composer update I simple get a message that the package could not be resolved. No symlinks are created and no package is installed. I have literally spent half of my day figuring this out, without any success.

                  我还上传了 composer update -vvv 的详细输出:http://pastebin.com/mMRHsACk.

                  I also uploaded a composer update -vvv verbose output of this: http://pastebin.com/mMRHsACk.

                  我的作曲家版本是最新的(截至 2016 年 4 月 20 日下午 2:39 UTC),所有这些都在 Vagrant (Debian) 中运行.

                  My composer version is the latest (as of 20th of April 2016 at 2:39pm UTC) and all of this is running inside Vagrant (Debian).


                  ANY recommendation from hereon is greatly appreciated. I really don't know what else to do any more.


                  我也在 Github 上发布了这个问题,结果发现文档有点误导.它说:

                  I posted the issue on Github as well and it turns out that the documentation is a little misleading. It says:

                      "repositories": [
                              "type": "path",
                              "url": "../../packages/my-package"
                      "require": {
                          "my/package": "*"

                  但是,如果您只有一个没有发布的本地 repo,您必须使用:

                  However, if you just have a local repo without releases, you have to use:

                      "repositories": [
                              "type": "path",
                              "url": "../../packages/my-package"
                      "require": {
                          "my/package": "dev-master"

                  版本 dev-master 是这里的关键(假设您在 master 分支上工作).这有点令人恼火,但感谢一些乐于助人的作曲家贡献者,我终于可以掌握这一点.

                  The version dev-master is the key here (given that you are working on the master branch). This was mildly infuriating, but thanks to some helpful composer contributors, I could finally get a grip on this.


                  I hope this may help somebody in the future.





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