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      1. 如何检查dynamodb中的字符串集中是否存在字符串

        How to check a string exist in string set in dynamodb(如何检查dynamodb中的字符串集中是否存在字符串)
        <i id='bvm8U'><tr id='bvm8U'><dt id='bvm8U'><q id='bvm8U'><span id='bvm8U'><b id='bvm8U'><form id='bvm8U'><ins id='bvm8U'></ins><ul id='bvm8U'></ul><sub id='bvm8U'></sub></form><legend id='bvm8U'></legend><bdo id='bvm8U'><pre id='bvm8U'><center id='bvm8U'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='bvm8U'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='bvm8U'><tfoot id='bvm8U'></tfoot><dl id='bvm8U'><fieldset id='bvm8U'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                1. 本文介绍了如何检查dynamodb中的字符串集中是否存在字符串的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I have a string set in each item in my table. For example,

                     Title = "Book 101 Title"
                     ISBN = "111-1111111111"
                     Authors = "Author 1"
                     Price = -2
                     Dimensions = "8.5 x 11.0 x 0.5"
                     PageCount = 500
                     Color = [ "Red", "Black" ]
                     ProductCategory = "Book" 
                     Title = "Book 102 Title"
                     ISBN = "222-222222222"
                     Authors = "Author 2"
                     Price = -8
                     Dimensions = "8.5 x 11.0 x 0.5"
                     PageCount = 700
                     Color = [ "Red", "Green" ]
                     ProductCategory = "Book" 

                  使用 dynamoDB php sdk,我想获得红色"颜色的项目.我试试这样.

                  With dynamoDB php sdk, I want to get items which is "Red" color. I try like this.

                  $response = $client->query(array(
                      "TableName" => $tablename,
                      "KeyConditions" => array(
                          "ComparisonOperator" => ComparisonOperator::CONTAINS,
                          'Color' => array(
                              'AttributeValueList' => array(
                                  array(Type::STRING_SET => array("Red"))


                  But I got an error like that.

                  ValidationException: One or more parameter values were invalid: ComparisonOperator CONTAINS is not valid for SS AttributeValue type


                  我从 aws 开发者论坛找到了一个解决方案 这里.不能将 CONTAINSquery 一起使用.必须与 scan 一起使用.就这样.

                  I found a solution from aws developer forum here. Can't use CONTAINS with query. Have to use it with scan. Like that.

                  $response = $client->scan(array(
                      "TableName" => $tablename,
                      "KeyConditions" => array(
                          "ComparisonOperator" => ComparisonOperator::CONTAINS,
                          'Color' => array(
                              'AttributeValueList' => array(
                                  array(Type::STRING => "Red")




                  How do I parse XML containing custom namespaces using SimpleXML?(如何使用 SimpleXML 解析包含自定义命名空间的 XML?)
                  SimpleXML SOAP response Namespace issues(SimpleXML SOAP 响应命名空间问题)
                  Problems with PHP namespaces and built-in classes, how to fix?(PHP 命名空间和内置类的问题,如何解决?)
                  Use php namespace inside function(在函数内部使用 php 命名空间)
                  unexpected #39;use#39; (T_USE) when trying to use composer(尝试使用作曲家时意外的“使用(T_USE))
                  PHP adding custom namespace using autoloader from composer(PHP使用来自作曲家的自动加载器添加自定义命名空间)

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