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    1. 如何在 Doctrine 2 中为 1:1 关系指定多个连接条件

      How to specify several join conditions for 1:1 relationship in Doctrine 2(如何在 Doctrine 2 中为 1:1 关系指定多个连接条件)
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                本文介绍了如何在 Doctrine 2 中为 1:1 关系指定多个连接条件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                class Cart
                    // ...
                     * @OneToOne(targetEntity="Customer", inversedBy="cart")
                     * @JoinColumn(name="customer_id", referencedColumnName="id")
                    private $customer;
                    // ...


                This annotation represents such sql:

                JOIN Customer c ON c.id = cart.customer_id


                And the issue is that I need to add additional comparison there, like:

                JOIN Customer c ON c.id = cart.customer_id AND c.anotherField = <constant>



                我现在真正需要的附加条件是 <const>c.f1 和 c.f2 之间

                the real additional condition I need for now is <const> BETWEEN c.f1 AND c.f2


                你可以使用 WITH 关键字来指定额外的连接条件,你可以在一些 例子.

                you can use the WITH keyword to specify additional join conditions, as you can see in some of the examples.


                i think this should get you going:

                SELECT l, c FROM location
                INNER JOIN Customer c
                WITH CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN c.f1 AND c.f2
                WHERE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN l.f1 AND l.f2

                我删除了 ON 子句,因为我认为没有必要明确指定连接的 ON 字段,除非它们不是标准"字段(每个实体的 ID)

                i removed the ON clause because i think there's no need to explicitly specify the join's ON fields unless they are not the "standard" ones (id of each entity)

                还要注意对 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() 的调用,它转换为 MySQL 的 NOW().查看其他非常有用的聚合函数和表达式的列表 这里

                also notice the call to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() which translates into MySQL's NOW(). check out a list of other pretty useful aggregate functions and expresions here

                这篇关于如何在 Doctrine 2 中为 1:1 关系指定多个连接条件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                Converting between timezones in PHP(在 PHP 中的时区之间转换)
                PHP - strtotime, specify timezone(PHP - strtotime,指定时区)
                Get current date, given a timezone in PHP?(获取当前日期,给定 PHP 中的时区?)
                List of US Time Zones for PHP to use?(PHP 使用的美国时区列表?)
                How to detect Ambiguous and Invalid DateTime in PHP?(如何在 PHP 中检测不明确和无效的 DateTime?)
                How to update timezonedb in PHP (updating timezones info)?(如何在 PHP 中更新 timezonedb(更新时区信息)?)

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