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      1. 使用 Doctrine (Symfony2) 查询表时缺少行

        Missing rows when querying table with Doctrine (Symfony2)(使用 Doctrine (Symfony2) 查询表时缺少行)
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                  本文介绍了使用 Doctrine (Symfony2) 查询表时缺少行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  I'm encountering a strange issue with Doctrine.

                  I need to query a simple table with only 1 inner join, which I something I have already done many times. But in this case something's odd: there are a lot of rows missing.

                  I have an entity called Policy. It is linked to a table on my Oracle database. There are 81k+ rows in this table. When querying this entity with the Doctrine query builder, I only get 5k results. I made this query as simple as possible for testing :

                  $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
                  $qb->select('p')->from('ErwMonitoringExtranetBundle:Policy', 'p');
                  $query = $qb->getQuery();
                  $policiesFull = $query->getResult();

                  The $policiesFull variable only contains 5k elements. There are no duplicates in the table.

                  The SQL query that is generated by Doctrine looks like this :

                    r0_.node_group_name      AS NODE_GROUP_NAME0,
                    r0_.policy_name          AS POLICY_NAME1,
                    r0_.policy_description   AS POLICY_DESCRIPTION2,
                    r0_.policy_group_name    AS POLICY_GROUP_NAME3,
                    r0_.policy_type_name     AS POLICY_TYPE_NAME4,
                    r0_.policy_name_on_agent AS POLICY_NAME_ON_AGENT5,
                    r0_.date_last_maj        AS DATE_LAST_MAJ6,
                    r0_.om_name              AS OM_NAME7,
                    r0_.id_node              AS ID_NODE8

                  Running the same exact query on Oracle returns the full table content.

                  Counting results through a doctrine query returns the correct number of rows :

                  $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
                  $qb->select('count(p)')->from('ErwMonitoringExtranetBundle:Policy', 'p');
                  $query = $qb->getQuery();
                  echo $query->getSingleScalarResult();

                  This returns 81k.

                  Does anybody know why all these rows disappear after using getResult() ?


                  Okay, I found out what was causing my issue. The primary ID was wrong in my Entity declaration.

                  The oracle table had a composed primary key while in my entity the ID was only on one column. GetResult was making a DISTINCT on this column.

                  这篇关于使用 Doctrine (Symfony2) 查询表时缺少行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Converting between timezones in PHP(在 PHP 中的时区之间转换)
                  PHP - strtotime, specify timezone(PHP - strtotime,指定时区)
                  Get current date, given a timezone in PHP?(获取当前日期,给定 PHP 中的时区?)
                  List of US Time Zones for PHP to use?(PHP 使用的美国时区列表?)
                  How to detect Ambiguous and Invalid DateTime in PHP?(如何在 PHP 中检测不明确和无效的 DateTime?)
                  How to update timezonedb in PHP (updating timezones info)?(如何在 PHP 中更新 timezonedb(更新时区信息)?)

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