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      1. <legend id='calvi'><style id='calvi'><dir id='calvi'><q id='calvi'></q></dir></style></legend>
      2. 使用 PHP 更新 AD 密码问题

        Issue updating AD password using PHP(使用 PHP 更新 AD 密码问题)

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                • 本文介绍了使用 PHP 更新 AD 密码问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!




                  [root@web chpasswd]# php ad_change.phpPHP 警告:模块 'intl' 已加载到第 0 行的未知中1 个条目返回大批([unicodePwd] =>密码!1234")错误:请稍后再试!服务器不愿意执行53[root@web chpasswd]#

                  我在这里做错了什么?我一直在玩加密,但这也无济于事.我有 Windows Server 2012 R2 Active Directory.




                  确保您的 PHP 安装同时启用了 ldap 和 openssl 扩展.

                  Windows/Linux 程序

                  验证 ldap.conf 文件设置.

                  对于 Windows,请验证 C:openldapsysconfldap.conf 文件是否存在.

                  对于 Linux,验证/etc/openldap/ldap.conf 文件是否存在.如果没有,请创建它.

                  对于 Linux 和 Windows,ldap.conf 文件应包含以下行:** -

                  TLS_REQCERT 从不

                  如果你想让 php 向颁发证书的证书颁发机构验证 ldap 服务器的 ssl 证书,你需要把根证书放在这里:导出受信任的根证书.(有关详细信息,请参阅如何通过 SSL 测试 LDAP 中的步骤 1).

                  使用此命令将 DER 转换为 PEM:

                  openssl x509 -in RootCert.der -inform DER -out RootCert.pem -outform PEM

                  在 Windows 上,您可以从以下两个站点下载 openssl 二进制文件:



                  现在将 rootcert.pem 复制到 certs 文件夹:

                  对于 Linux,/etc/openldap/cert/rootcert.pem

                  对于 Windows,C:openldapsysconfcerts ootcert.pem

                  对于 Linux 和 Windows,ldap.conf 文件应包含以下行:

                  (Linux) TLS_CACERT/etc/openldap/cert/rootcert.pem

                  (Windows) TLS_CACERT c:OpenLDAPsysconfcerts ootcert.pem

                  您可以在 https://github.com/achintha85/AD_User_Password_Change_PHP 上找到我的最新代码p>


                  Hi I have written following script to update a password for a specific user

                  function create_ldap_connection() {
                          $ip = "";
                          $ldaps_url = "";
                          $port = 389;
                          $ldap_conn = ldap_connect($ldaps_url, $port) or die("Sorry! Could not connect to LDAP server ($ip)");
                          $password = "password";
                          $binddn = "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=test,DC=com";
                          $result = ldap_bind( $ldap_conn, $binddn, $password ) or die("  Error: Couldn't bind to server using provided credentials!");
                          if($result) {
                                  return $ldap_conn;
                          else {
                                  die (" Error: Couldn't bind to server with supplied credentials!");
                  function get_user_dn($ldap_conn, $user_name) {
                          /* Write the below details as per your AD setting */
                          $basedn = "OU=ITS Users,DC=ad,DC=test,DC=com";
                          /* Search the user details in AD server */
                          $searchResults = ldap_search($ldap_conn, $basedn, $user_name);
                          if(!is_resource($searchResults)) die('Error in search results.');
                          /* Get the first entry from the searched result */
                          $entry = ldap_first_entry($ldap_conn, $searchResults);
                          $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap_conn, $searchResults);
                          echo $info["count"]." entries returned
                          return ldap_get_dn($ldap_conn, $entry);
                  function pwd_encryption($newPassword) {
                          $newPassword = """ . $newPassword . """;
                          $len = strlen($newPassword);
                          $newPassw = "";
                          for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
                                  $newPassw .= "{$newPassword {$i}}00";
                          $userdata["unicodePwd"] = $newPassw;
                          return $userdata;
                  $user_name = "(|(sn=archieg*)(SamAccountName=archieg*))";
                  $user_password = "password!1234";
                  $ldap_conn = create_ldap_connection();
                  $userDn = get_user_dn($ldap_conn, $user_name);
                  $userdata = pwd_encryption ($user_password);
                  //$result = ldap_mod_replace($ldap_conn, $userDn , $userdata);  /* Check whether the password updated successfully or not. */
                  $result = ldap_modify($ldap_conn, $userDn , $userdata);
                  if($result) {
                          echo "Success attempting to modify password in AD";
                  else {
                          echo "Error: Please try again later!
                          $e = ldap_error($ldap_conn);
                          $e_no = ldap_errno($ldap_conn);
                          echo $e . "
                          echo $e_no . "

                  However when I run this I get the following error,

                  [root@web chpasswd]# php ad_change.php 
                  PHP Warning:  Module 'intl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
                  1 entries returned
                      [unicodePwd] => "password!1234"
                  Error: Please try again later!
                  Server is unwilling to perform
                  [root@web chpasswd]# 

                  What am I doing wrong here? I've been playing around with the encryption but that didn't help either. I have Windows Server 2012 R2 Active Directory.

                  Many Thanks


                  It worked out that this wasn't a issue with my code. I had to setup certificate authority on my server. This is what I did,

                  Make sure your PHP install has both the ldap and openssl extensions enabled.

                  Windows/Linux Procedure

                  Verify the ldap.conf file settings.

                  For Windows, verify that the C:openldapsysconfldap.conf file exists.

                  For Linux, verify that the /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file exists. If it does not, create it.

                  For both Linux and Windows, the ldap.conf file should contain this line: ** -

                  TLS_REQCERT never

                  If you want php to verify the ldap server's ssl certificate with the Certificate Authority that issued the certificate, you need to put the root certificate here: Export the trusted root Certificate. (For details, see Step 1 in How to test LDAP over SSL).

                  Use this command to convert the DER to PEM:

                  openssl x509 -in RootCert.der -inform DER -out RootCert.pem -outform PEM

                  On Windows you can download openssl binaries from these two sites:



                  Now copy the rootcert.pem to the certs folder:

                  For Linux, /etc/openldap/cert/rootcert.pem

                  For Windows, C:openldapsysconfcerts ootcert.pem

                  For both Linux and Windows, the ldap.conf file should contain this line:

                  (Linux) TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/cert/rootcert.pem

                  (Windows) TLS_CACERT c:OpenLDAPsysconfcerts ootcert.pem

                  You can find my latest code on https://github.com/achintha85/AD_User_Password_Change_PHP

                  Hope this helps someone in the future.

                  这篇关于使用 PHP 更新 AD 密码问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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