
Mocking python function based on input arguments(基于输入参数模拟python函数)


我们一直在使用 Mock for python.

We have been using Mock for python for a while.


Now, we have a situation in which we want to mock a function

def foo(self, my_param):
    #do something here, assign something to my_result
    return my_result

通常,模拟它的方法是(假设 foo 是对象的一部分)

Normally, the way to mock this would be (assuming foo being part of an object)

self.foo = MagicMock(return_value="mocked!")

即使我调用 foo() 几次我也可以使用

Even, if i call foo() a couple of times i can use

self.foo = MagicMock(side_effect=["mocked once", "mocked twice!"])


Now, I am facing a situation in which I want to return a fixed value when the input parameter has a particular value. So if let's say "my_param" is equal to "something" then I want to return "my_cool_mock"

这似乎在 mockito for python


我一直在寻找如何通过 Mock 实现同样的目标,但没有成功?

I have been searching on how to achieve the same with Mock with no success?



如果 side_effect_func 是一个函数,那么该函数返回的是什么叫模拟返回.side_effect_func 函数被调用与模拟相同的论点.这允许您改变回报根据输入动态调用的值:

If side_effect_func is a function then whatever that function returns is what calls to the mock return. The side_effect_func function is called with the same arguments as the mock. This allows you to vary the return value of the call dynamically, based on the input:

>>> def side_effect_func(value):
...     return value + 1
>>> m = MagicMock(side_effect=side_effect_func)
>>> m(1)
>>> m(2)
>>> m.mock_calls
[call(1), call(2)]





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