
Convert floating point number to a certain precision, and then copy to string(将浮点数转换为一定精度,然后复制为字符串)


我有一个浮点数,比如 135.12345678910.我想将该值连接到一个字符串,但只需要 135.123456789.使用打印,我可以通过执行以下操作轻松做到这一点:

I have a floating point number, say 135.12345678910. I want to concatenate that value to a string, but only want 135.123456789. With print, I can easily do this by doing something like:

print "%.9f" % numvar

numvar 是我的原始号码.有没有简单的方法可以做到这一点?

with numvar being my original number. Is there an easy way to do this?


使用 Python <3(例如 2.6 [见评论] 或 2.7),有两种方法.

With Python < 3 (e.g. 2.6 [see comments] or 2.7), there are two ways to do so.

# Option one
older_method_string = "%.9f" % numvar

# Option two
newer_method_string = "{:.9f}".format(numvar)

但请注意,对于高于 3 的 Python 版本(例如 3.2 或 3.3),选项二是 首选.

But note that for Python versions above 3 (e.g. 3.2 or 3.3), option two is preferred.

有关选项二的更多信息,我建议 this link on string formatting from thePython 文档.

For more information on option two, I suggest this link on string formatting from the Python documentation.


And for more information on option one, this link will suffice and has info on the various flags.

Python 3.6(2016 年 12 月正式发布),添加了 f 字符串字面量,在此处查看更多信息,它扩展了 str.format 方法(使用大括号,例如 f"{numvar:.9f}" 解决了原来的问题),也就是

Python 3.6 (officially released in December of 2016), added the f string literal, see more information here, which extends the str.format method (use of curly braces such that f"{numvar:.9f}" solves the original problem), that is,

# Option 3 (versions 3.6 and higher)
newest_method_string = f"{numvar:.9f}"

解决问题.查看@Or-Duan 的答案以获取更多信息,但此方法快速.

solves the problem. Check out @Or-Duan's answer for more info, but this method is fast.




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