
Most Pythonic way to print *at most* some number of decimal places(大多数Pythonic方式打印*最多*一些小数位)


我想格式化最多包含 2 个小数位的浮点数列表.但是,我不想要尾随零,也不想要尾随小数点.

I want to format a list of floating-point numbers with at most, say, 2 decimal places. But, I don't want trailing zeros, and I don't want trailing decimal points.

例如,4.001 => 4, 4.797 => 4.8, 8.992 => 8.99, 13.577 => 13.58.

So, for example, 4.001 => 4, 4.797 => 4.8, 8.992 => 8.99, 13.577 => 13.58.

简单的解决方案是('%.2f' % f).rstrip('.0')('%.2f' % f).rstrip('0').rstrip('.').但是,这看起来相当丑陋,而且似乎很脆弱.任何更好的解决方案,也许有一些神奇的格式标志?

The simple solution is ('%.2f' % f).rstrip('.0')('%.2f' % f).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'). But, that looks rather ugly and seems fragile. Any nicer solutions, maybe with some magical format flags?


需要将0.分开剥离;这样你就永远不会剥离自然的 0.

You need to separate the 0 and the . stripping; that way you won't ever strip away the natural 0.

或者,使用 format() 函数,但这实际上归结为同一件事:

Alternatively, use the format() function, but that really comes down to the same thing:

format(f, '.2f').rstrip('0').rstrip('.')


>>> def formatted(f): return format(f, '.2f').rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
>>> formatted(0.0)
>>> formatted(4.797)
>>> formatted(4.001)
>>> formatted(13.577)
>>> formatted(0.000000000000000000001)
>>> formatted(10000000000)




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