
Converting from hex to binary without losing leading 0#39;s python(从十六进制转换为二进制而不丢失前导0的python)



h = '00112233aabbccddee'


I know I can convert this to binary with:

h = bin(int(h, 16))[2:]

但是,这会丢失前导 0.有没有办法在不丢失 0 的情况下进行这种转换?或者最好的方法是在转换之前计算前导 0 的数量,然后在之后添加它.

However, this loses the leading 0's. Is there anyway to do this conversion without losing the 0's? Or is the best way to do this just to count the number of leading 0's before the conversion then add it in afterwards.



I don't think there is a way to keep those leading zeros by default.

每个十六进制数字转换为 4 个二进制数字,因此新字符串的长度应该是原始字符串大小的 4 倍.

Each hex digit translates to 4 binary digits, so the length of the new string should be exactly 4 times the size of the original.

h_size = len(h) * 4

然后,您可以使用 .zfill 将零填充到您想要的大小:

Then, you can use .zfill to fill in zeros to the size you want:

h = ( bin(int(h, 16))[2:] ).zfill(h_size)




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