
How to convert binary string to ascii string in python?(如何在python中将二进制字符串转换为ascii字符串?)


我制作了一个小 Python 程序,它从文件中读取二进制文件并将其存储到文本文件中,读取文本文件并存储二进制文件.但是,我无法让二进制文件工作......它像这样读取文件:

I've made a little python program that reads binary from a file and stores it to a text file, read the text file and store the binary. But, I can't get the binary to work... it reads the files like this:

f_bin = open(bin_file,"rb")
to_bin_data = f_bin.read()
bin_data = bin(reduce(lambda x, y: 256*x+y, (ord(c) for c in to_bin_data), 0))

这个对我不起作用... 将二进制转换为ASCII,反之亦然


我现在为它制作了一个很长的 if else 脚本,但感谢您的回答



Let's take the word 'hello' which is 0110100001100101011011000110110001101111

要将其转换回字符,我们可以使用 chrint(以 2 为基数)以及一些列表切片...

To translate that back to characters we can use chr and int (with a base of 2) and some list slicing...

''.join(chr(int(bin_text[i:i+8], 2)) for i in xrange(0, len(bin_text), 8))

如果我们想将 'hello' 转换为二进制,我们可以使用 ord 和字符串格式化...

If we wanted to take 'hello' and convert it to binary we can use ord and string formatting...

''.join('{:08b}'.format(ord(c)) for c in 'hello')




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