我无法在 python 中发送带有正文的电子邮件作为多部分电子邮件.我所做的一切都导致所有内容都作为附件,我无法让文本或 html 显示在正文中.
I can't send an e-mail in python with a body as a multipart email. Everything I've tried has resulted in all of the content as attachments, and I can't get the text or html to show up in the body.
msg = MIMEMultipart()
if msg_mime_type == 'text' or not msg_mime_type:
new_body = MIMEText(body, 'text')
elif msg_mime_type == 'image':
new_body = MIMEImage(body)
elif msg_mime_type == 'html':
new_body = MIMEText(body, 'html')
new_body.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'inline', filename='body')
msg.set_payload(new_body) #also tried msg.attach(new_body)
我需要使用 Multipart
I need to use a Multipart
so that i can also add attachments, but I kept that code out for simplicity.
mime 类型:
You need to specify that the parts are alternatives of one another, e.g. the multipart/alternative
mime type:
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
请注意,要创建包含附件和替代 (HTML/CSS) 选项的电子邮件,您需要有一个包含 alternative<的顶级
容器/code> 部分作为第一个条目.
Note that to create an email with both attachments and an alternative (HTML / CSS) option you'll need to have a top-level multipart/related
container that contains the alternative
parts as the first entry.
这篇关于带有正文内容的 Python 电子邮件多部分的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!