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      1. 集合并集查找算法

        A set union find algorithm(集合并集查找算法)
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                  我有数千行 1 到 100 个数字,每行定义一组数字以及它们之间的关系.我需要获取相关数字的集合.

                  I have thousands of lines of 1 to 100 numbers, every line define a group of numbers and a relationship among them. I need to get the sets of related numbers.

                  小例子:如果我有这 7 行数据

                  Little Example: If I have this 7 lines of data

                  T1 T2
                  T6 T1
                  T5 T4
                  T3 T4 T7


                  I need a not so slow algorithm to know that the sets here are:

                  T1 T2 T6 (because T1 is related with T2 in the first line and T1 related with T6 in the line 5)
                  T3 T4 T5 T7 (because T5 is with T4 in line 6 and T3 is with T4 and T7 in line 7)

                  但是当你有非常大的集合时,在每个大集合中搜索一个 T(x) 并进行集合并集......等等.

                  but when you have very big sets is painfully slow to do a search of a T(x) in every big set, and do unions of sets... etc.


                  Do you have a hint to do this in a not so brute force manner?

                  我正在尝试在 Python 中执行此操作.

                  I'm trying to do this in Python.


                  一旦你构建了数据结构,你到底想对它运行什么查询?向我们展示您现有的代码.什么是 T(x)?您谈论数字组",但您的样本数据显示 T1、T2 等;请解释一下.

                  Once you have built the data structure, exactly what queries do you want to run against it? Show us your existing code. What is a T(x)? You talk about "groups of numbers" but your sample data shows T1, T2, etc; please explain.


                  尝试查看以下 Python 实现:http://code.activestate.com/recipes/215912-union-find-data-structure/

                  Try looking at this Python implementation: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/215912-union-find-data-structure/


                  OR you can lash up something rather simple and understandable yourself, e.g.


                  class DisjointSet(object):
                      def __init__(self):
                          self.leader = {} # maps a member to the group's leader
                          self.group = {} # maps a group leader to the group (which is a set)
                      def add(self, a, b):
                          leadera = self.leader.get(a)
                          leaderb = self.leader.get(b)
                          if leadera is not None:
                              if leaderb is not None:
                                  if leadera == leaderb: return # nothing to do
                                  groupa = self.group[leadera]
                                  groupb = self.group[leaderb]
                                  if len(groupa) < len(groupb):
                                      a, leadera, groupa, b, leaderb, groupb = b, leaderb, groupb, a, leadera, groupa
                                  groupa |= groupb
                                  del self.group[leaderb]
                                  for k in groupb:
                                      self.leader[k] = leadera
                                  self.leader[b] = leadera
                              if leaderb is not None:
                                  self.leader[a] = leaderb
                                  self.leader[a] = self.leader[b] = a
                                  self.group[a] = set([a, b])
                  data = """T1 T2
                  T3 T4
                  T5 T1
                  T3 T6
                  T7 T8
                  T3 T7
                  T9 TA
                  T1 T9"""
                  # data is chosen to demonstrate each of 5 paths in the code
                  from pprint import pprint as pp
                  ds = DisjointSet()
                  for line in data.splitlines():
                      x, y = line.split()
                      ds.add(x, y)
                      print x, y


                  T1 T9
                  {'T1': 'T1',
                   'T2': 'T1',
                   'T3': 'T3',
                   'T4': 'T3',
                   'T5': 'T1',
                   'T6': 'T3',
                   'T7': 'T3',
                   'T8': 'T3',
                   'T9': 'T1',
                   'TA': 'T1'}
                  {'T1': set(['T1', 'T2', 'T5', 'T9', 'TA']),
                   'T3': set(['T3', 'T4', 'T6', 'T7', 'T8'])}




                  env: python: No such file or directory(env: python: 没有这样的文件或目录)
                  How to evaluate environment variables into a string in Python?(如何在 Python 中将环境变量评估为字符串?)
                  Python - temporarily modify the current process#39;s environment(Python - 临时修改当前进程的环境)
                  Change current process environment#39;s LD_LIBRARY_PATH(更改当前进程环境的 LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
                  Reading and writing environment variables in Python?(在 Python 中读写环境变量?)
                  When to use sys.path.append and when modifying %PYTHONPATH% is enough(何时使用 sys.path.append 以及何时修改 %PYTHONPATH% 就足够了)

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