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        Pygame- rotate sprite and follow path simultaneously(Pygame-同时旋转精灵并跟随路径)

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                  我正在尝试制作一个被抛出的球的动画,并且我希望它同时沿着平滑的抛物线路径旋转.但是,我似乎无法让 pygame.transform.rotate() 合作.


                  导入pygamescreen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500))计时器 = pygame.time.Clock()球 = pygame.sprite.Sprite()ball.image = pygame.image.load("throwball.png")ball.image = pygame.transform.scale(ball.image, (48,48))ball.rect = ball.image.get_rect(topleft = (50,50))ball.orig_image = ball.imagerotaterect = ball.rect对于范围内的我(60):#pygame.draw.rect(屏幕,颜色(255,255,255),ball.rect)ball.image = pygame.transform.rotate(ball.orig_image, i*20)rotaterect.topleft = (5*i,((i-20)*(i-20) + 1)/5)ball.rect.center = rotaterect.centerscreen.blit(ball.image,ball.rect)pygame.display.update()计时器.tick(60)对于 pygame.event.get() 中的 e:如果 e.type == pygame.QUIT:pygame.quit()sys.exit()而1:对于 pygame.event.get() 中的 e:如果 e.type == pygame.QUIT:pygame.quit()sys.exit()




                  它是 16x16(正方形),所以我对为什么图像没有遵循干净的路径感到目瞪口呆.



                  for i in range(60):ball.image = pygame.transform.rotate(ball.orig_image, i*20)ball.rect = ball.image.get_rect()rotaterect.topleft = (5*i,((i-20)*(i-20) + 1)/5)ball.rect.center = rotaterect.centerscreen.blit(ball.image,ball.rect)pygame.display.update()

                  I'm trying to animate a ball getting thrown, and I want it to rotate an follow a smooth, parabolic path at the same time. However, I just can't seem to get pygame.transform.rotate() to cooperate.

                  Here's what I've tried so far:

                  import pygame
                  screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500))
                  timer = pygame.time.Clock()
                  ball = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
                  ball.image = pygame.image.load("throwball.png")
                  ball.image = pygame.transform.scale(ball.image, (48,48))
                  ball.rect = ball.image.get_rect(topleft = (50,50))
                  ball.orig_image = ball.image
                  rotaterect = ball.rect
                  for i in range(60):
                      #pygame.draw.rect(screen, Color(255,255,255), ball.rect)
                      ball.image = pygame.transform.rotate(ball.orig_image, i*20)
                      rotaterect.topleft = (5*i,((i-20)*(i-20) + 1)/5)
                      ball.rect.center = rotaterect.center
                      screen.blit(ball.image, ball.rect)
                      for e in pygame.event.get():
                          if e.type == pygame.QUIT:
                  while 1:
                      for e in pygame.event.get():
                          if e.type == pygame.QUIT:

                  Whenever I run the code, the ball moves in an irregular pattern. I made a second rect to try to keep the positioning under control, but the ball ends up forming a path like this:

                  Obviously there's something wrong with the positioning on each frame, but I'm not sure why any of the frames would be out of place, since their location is determined by their center point.

                  Here's the ball image:

                  It's 16x16 (square), so I'm dumbfounded as to why the image isn't following a clean path.


                  Note, a rotated image varies in size. See How do I rotate an image around its center using Pygame?.

                  Get the rectangle of the rotated image and set the center of the rectangle by the center of the helper rectangle rotaterect. This causes that the image is symmetrically aligned around the center.
                  You missed to update the ball.rect to the actual size of the rotated image:

                  ball.rect = ball.image.get_rect()
                  rotaterect.topleft = (5*i,((i-20)*(i-20) + 1)/5)
                  ball.rect.center = rotaterect.center


                  for i in range(60):
                      ball.image = pygame.transform.rotate(ball.orig_image, i*20)
                      ball.rect = ball.image.get_rect()
                      rotaterect.topleft = (5*i,((i-20)*(i-20) + 1)/5)
                      ball.rect.center = rotaterect.center
                      screen.blit(ball.image, ball.rect)




                  env: python: No such file or directory(env: python: 没有这样的文件或目录)
                  How to evaluate environment variables into a string in Python?(如何在 Python 中将环境变量评估为字符串?)
                  Python - temporarily modify the current process#39;s environment(Python - 临时修改当前进程的环境)
                  Change current process environment#39;s LD_LIBRARY_PATH(更改当前进程环境的 LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
                  Reading and writing environment variables in Python?(在 Python 中读写环境变量?)
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