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        ping 无限时间并在 Python 中获取其输出

        ping for indefinite amount of time and get its output in Python(ping 无限时间并在 Python 中获取其输出)
      1. <i id='hPcvM'><tr id='hPcvM'><dt id='hPcvM'><q id='hPcvM'><span id='hPcvM'><b id='hPcvM'><form id='hPcvM'><ins id='hPcvM'></ins><ul id='hPcvM'></ul><sub id='hPcvM'></sub></form><legend id='hPcvM'></legend><bdo id='hPcvM'><pre id='hPcvM'><center id='hPcvM'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='hPcvM'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='hPcvM'><tfoot id='hPcvM'></tfoot><dl id='hPcvM'><fieldset id='hPcvM'></fieldset></dl></div>

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                  本文介绍了ping 无限时间并在 Python 中获取其输出的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  任务是:尝试使用ping"等最基本的形式在python中发送ping.一段时间后终止 ping 命令(在终端中,将执行 Ctrl+C)并获取其输出.显示 ping 统计信息的最后几行输出特别令人感兴趣.

                  The task is: Try to send ping in python using the most basic form like "ping". After some time terminate the ping command (In a terminal, one will do Ctrl+C) and get its output. The last several lines of output which shows the ping statistics are of particular interest.

                  两种方法都试过了,都不行.我的操作系统版本是 Mac OS X 10.10.1.

                  Two methods tried, did not work. My OS version is Mac OS X 10.10.1.

                  第一种方法使用模块 pexpect,ping 将在大约 17 秒后停止,尽管我没有要求它停止:

                  First method uses module pexpect, and ping will stop after about 17 seconds though I did not ask it to stop:

                  import pexpect
                  import time
                  child = pexpect.spawn('ping')
                  (x, y) = child.getwinsize()
                  print x
                  print y
                  x = child.read()
                  print x


                  Second Method uses module subprocess, and the last several lines of ping output are lost:

                  import time
                  from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
                  child = Popen(['ping', ''], stdin = PIPE, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE)
                  x = child.stdout.read()
                  print x
                  x = child.stderr.read()
                  print x

                  如果有任何帮助,我将不胜感激!不接受ping -c XXX".

                  I'd appreciate any help! "ping -c XXX" is not accepted.


                  您的第二个解决方案很棒.获得您想要的行为(获得 ping 的结论")只有一个问题:您向进程发送了错误的信号.

                  The second solution you have is great. There's just one issue with obtaining your desired behavior (getting the ping's "conclusion"): You're sending the wrong signal to the process.

                  当您从 shell 终止进程时,通常会发送 SIGINT 信号.请参阅 "bash - Ctrl-C 如何终止子进程?".这允许进程结束"(例如,清理临时文件、提供调试信息).

                  When you terminate the process from a shell, you traditionally send a SIGINT signal. See "bash - How does Ctrl-C terminate a child process?". This allows the process to "wrap up" (e.g., cleaning up temprorary files, providing debug information).

                  import signal
                  # Open process
                  # Provide some time for the process to complete
                  # Echo output

                  Popen.terminate<您现在使用的/a> 发送 SIGTERM 而不是 SIGINT.

                  这篇关于ping 无限时间并在 Python 中获取其输出的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Pythonic and efficient way of finding adjacent cells in grid(在网格中查找相邻单元格的 Pythonic 和有效方法)
                  map a hexagonal grid in matplotlib(在 matplotlib 中映射六边形网格)
                  Execute arbitrary python code remotely - can it be done?(远程执行任意 python 代码 - 可以吗?)
                  Python - Plotting colored grid based on values(Python - 根据值绘制彩色网格)
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