在 win7 上安装 rpy2 时遇到问题(R 2.12,Python 2.5)
trouble installing rpy2 on win7 (R 2.12, Python 2.5)(在 win7 上安装 rpy2 时遇到问题(R 2.12,Python 2.5))
本文介绍了在 win7 上安装 rpy2 时遇到问题(R 2.12,Python 2.5)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!
我是 Python 的新手(和一般的编程)我来自金融背景,所以请多多包涵.我刚开始使用 Python(Enthought 的 Pylab/Scipy/Numpy)和 R 进行统计分析.我正在尝试将 rpy2 安装到 Python 中以集成 R,但出现错误:
试图猜测 R 的 HOME 但没有 RPATH 中的命令.
我不确定这意味着什么.如果有用的话,我的 R.exe 的路径是C:Program FilesRR-2.12.1in".任何帮助将不胜感激!
这里是 setup.py 的代码
import os, os.path, sys, shutil, re, itertools从 distutils.command.build_ext 导入 build_ext 作为 _build_ext从 distutils.command.build 导入构建为 _build从 distutils.core 导入设置从 distutils.core 导入扩展pack_name = 'rpy2'pack_version = __import__('rpy').__version__类构建(_build):user_options = _build.user_options + [#('r-autoconfig', 无,# "猜测所有配置路径" +# "在 PATH 中找到的 R 可执行文件" +# "(这会覆盖 r-home)"),('r-home=', 无,"R home 编译的完整路径" +(请参阅 r-autoconfig 了解自动配置)"),('r-home-lib=', 无,"R 共享 lib/目录的完整路径" +"(<r-home>/lib 否则)"),('r-home-modules=', 无,"R 共享模块/目录的完整路径" +"(<r-home>/modules 否则)")]boolean_options = _build.boolean_options #+ #['r-autoconfig', ]定义初始化选项(自我):_build.initialize_options(self)self.r_autoconfig = 无self.r_home = 无self.r_home_lib = 无self.r_home_modules = 无类 build_ext(_build_ext):"""-DRPY_VERBOSE-DRPY_DEBUG_PRESERV-DRPY_DEBUG_PROMISE : 评估承诺-DRPY_DEBUG_OBJECTINIT : PySexpObject 的初始化-DRPY_DEBUG_CONSOLE:控制台 I/O-DRPY_DEBUG_COBJECT:SexpObject 作为 CObject 传递-DRPY_DEBUG_GRDEV"""user_options = _build_ext.user_options + [#('r-autoconfig', 无,# "猜测所有配置路径" +# "在 PATH 中找到的 R 可执行文件" +# "(这会覆盖 r-home)"),('r-home=', 无,"R home 编译的完整路径" +(请参阅 r-autoconfig 了解自动配置)"),('r-home-lib=', 无,"R 共享 lib/目录的完整路径" +"(<r-home>/lib 否则)"),('r-home-modules=', 无,R 共享模块/目录的完整路径"+"(<r-home>/modules 否则)")]boolean_options = _build_ext.boolean_options #+ #['r-autoconfig', ]定义初始化选项(自我):_build_ext.initialize_options(self)self.r_autoconfig = 无self.r_home = 无self.r_home_lib = 无self.r_home_modules = 无def finalize_options(self):self.set_undefined_options('build',#('r_autoconfig', 'r_autoconfig'),('r_home', 'r_home'))_build_ext.finalize_options(self)如果 self.r_home 为无:self.r_home = os.popen("R RHOME").readlines()如果 len(self.r_home) == 0:raise SystemExit("错误:试图猜测 R 的 HOME 但路径中没有 R 命令.")#Twist if 'R RHOME' 吐出警告如果 self.r_home[0].startswith("WARNING"):self.r_home = self.r_home[1]别的:self.r_home = self.r_home[0]#self.r_home = [self.r_home, ]如果 self.r_home 为无:raise SystemExit("错误:--r-home 未指定.")别的:self.r_home = self.r_home.split(os.pathsep)版本 = []对于 self.r_home 中的 r_home:r_home = r_home.strip()rversion = get_rversion(r_home)如果 cmp_version(rversion[:2], [2, 8]) == -1:raise SystemExit("错误:需要 R >= 2.8.")rversions.append(rversion)配置 = RConfig()for about in ('--ldflags', '--cppflags','LAPACK_LIBS'、'BLAS_LIBS'):config += get_rconfig(r_home, about)打印(配置.__repr__())self.include_dirs.extend(config._include_dirs)self.libraries.extend(config._libraries)self.library_dirs.extend(config._library_dirs)如果 self.r_home_modules 为无:self.library_dirs.extend([os.path.join(r_home, 'modules'), ])别的:self.library_dirs.extends([self.r_home_modules, ])#for e in self.extensions:# self.extra_link_args.extra_link_args(config.extra_link_args)# e.extra_compile_args.extend(extra_compile_args)定义运行(自我):_build_ext.run(self)def get_rversion(r_home):r_exec = os.path.join(r_home, 'bin', 'R')# 如果 Win32 则扭曲如果 sys.platform == "win32":rp = os.popen3('"'+r_exec+'" --version')[2]别的:rp = os.popen('"'+r_exec+'" --version')rversion = rp.readline()#Twist if 'R RHOME' 吐出警告如果 rversion.startswith("警告"):rversion = rp.readline()m = re.match('^R 版本 ([^ ]+) .+$', rversion)rversion = m.groups()[0]rversion = rversion.split('.')rversion[0] = int(rversion[0])rversion[1] = int(rversion[1])返回版本def cmp_version(x, y):如果 (x[0] < y[0]):返回 -1如果(x[0] > y[0]):返回 1如果(x[0] == y[0]):如果 len(x) == 1 或 len(y) == 1:返回 0返回 cmp_version(x[1:], y[1:])类 RConfig(对象):_include_dirs = 无_libraries = 无_library_dirs = 无_extra_link_args = 无_frameworks = 无_framework_dirs = 无def __init__(self,include_dirs = 元组(),库 = 元组(),library_dirs = tuple(), extra_link_args = tuple(),框架=元组(),framework_dirs = 元组()):for k in ('include_dirs', 'libraries','library_dirs'、'extra_link_args'):v = 本地人()[k]如果不是 isinstance(v, tuple):如果是实例(v,str):v = [v, ]v = 元组(集合(v))self.__dict__['_'+k] = v# 框架特定于 OSX对于 k in ('framework_dirs', 'frameworks'):v = 本地人()[k]如果不是 isinstance(v, tuple):如果是实例(v,str):v = [v, ]v = 元组(集合(v))self.__dict__['_'+k] = vself.__dict__['_'+'extra_link_args'] = 元组(set(v + self.__dict__['_'+'extra_link_args']))def __repr__(self):s = 'R 作为库的配置:' + os.lineseps += os.linesep.join([' ' + x + ': ' + self.__dict__['_'+x].__repr__() for x in ('include_dirs', 'libraries','library_dirs', 'extra_link_args')])s += os.linesep + ' # OSX 特定(包含在 extra_link_args 中)' + os.lineseps += os.linesep.join([' ' + x + ': ' + self.__dict__['_'+x].__repr__() 对于 x in ('framework_dirs', 'frameworks')])返回def __add__(self, config):断言 isinstance(config, RConfig)res = RConfig(include_dirs = self._include_dirs + config._include_dirs,库 = self._libraries + config._libraries,library_dirs = self._library_dirs + config._library_dirs,extra_link_args = self._extra_link_args + config._extra_link_args)返回资源@静态方法def from_string(string, allow_empty = False):possible_patterns = ('^-L(?P<library_dirs>[^]+)$','^-l(?P<库>[^]+)$','^-I(?P[^]+)$','^(?P-F[^]+?)$','^(?P-framework [^]+)$')pp = [re.compile(x) for x in possible_patterns]# 对返回到 rconfig 的内容进行完整性检查rconfig_m = 无跨度 = (0, 0)rc = RConfig()对于 re.split('(?<!-framework) ', string) 中的子字符串:好的 = 假对于 pp 中的模式:rconfig_m = pattern.match(子字符串)如果 rconfig_m 不是无:rc += RConfig(**rconfig_m.groupdict())跨度 = rconfig_m.span()好的 = 真休息elif rconfig_m 为无:如果 allow_empty 和 (rconfig == ''):print(cmd + '
')rc += RConfig()好的 = 真休息别的:# 如果配置指向现有库,# 用它如果 os.path.exists(string):rc += RConfig(库 = 子字符串)好的 = 真休息如果不行:raise ValueError('无效的子字符串
' + 子字符串+ '
in 字符串
' + 字符串)返回 rcdef get_rconfig(r_home, about, allow_empty = False):r_exec = os.path.join(r_home, 'bin', 'R')cmd = '"'+r_exec+'" CMD 配置 '+aboutrp = os.popen(cmd)rconfig = rp.readline()#Twist if 'R RHOME' 吐出警告如果 rconfig.startswith("警告"):rconfig = rp.readline()rconfig = rconfig.strip()rc = RConfig.from_string(rconfig)返回 rcdef getRinterface_ext():#r_libs = [os.path.join(RHOME, 'lib'), os.path.join(RHOME, 'modules')]r_libs = []extra_link_args = []#FIXME:粗略的方式(在很多情况下会中断)#check how to get how to have a configure step定义宏 = []如果 sys.platform == 'win32':define_macros.append(('Win32', 1))别的:define_macros.append(('R_INTERFACE_PTRS', 1))define_macros.append(('HAVE_POSIX_SIGJMP', 1))define_macros.append(('CSTACK_DEFNS', 1))define_macros.append(('RIF_HAS_RSIGHAND', 1))包含目录 = []rinterface_ext = 扩展(名称 = pack_name + '.rinterface.rinterface',来源 = [ #os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'embeddedr.c'),#os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'r_utils.c'),#os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'buffer.c'),#os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sequence.c'),#os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sexp.c'),os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'rinterface.c')],依赖 = [os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'embeddedr.h'),os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'r_utils.h'),os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'buffer.h'),os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sequence.h'),os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sexp.h'),os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'rpy_rinterface.h')],include_dirs = [os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface'),] + include_dirs,库 = ['R', ],library_dirs = r_libs,定义宏 = 定义宏,runtime_library_dirs = r_libs,#extra_compile_args=['-O0', '-g'],#extra_link_args = extra_link_args)rpy_device_ext = 扩展(pack_name + '.rinterface.rpy_device',[os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'rpy_device.c'),],包含目录 = 包含目录 +[os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface'), ],库 = ['R', ],library_dirs = r_libs,定义宏 = 定义宏,runtime_library_dirs = r_libs,#extra_compile_args=['-O0', '-g'],extra_link_args = extra_link_args)返回 [rinterface_ext, rpy_device_ext]rinterface_exts = []ri_ext = getRinterface_ext()rinterface_exts.append(ri_ext)pack_dir = {pack_name: 'rpy'}导入 distutils.command.install对于 distutils.command.install.INSTALL_SCHEMES.values() 中的方案:方案['data'] = 方案['purelib']设置(#install_requires=['分发'],cmdclass = {'build':构建,'build_ext': build_ext},名称 = 包装名称,版本 = 包版本,description = "R 语言的 Python 接口",url = "http://rpy.sourceforge.net",license = "AGPLv3.0 (除了 rpy2.rinterface: LGPL)",作者=洛朗戈蒂埃",author_email = "lgautier@gmail.com",ext_modules = rinterface_exts[0],包目录 = 包目录,包 = [包名,pack_name + '.rlike',pack_name + '.rlike.tests',pack_name + '.rinterface',pack_name + '.rinterface.tests',pack_name + '.robjects',pack_name + '.robjects.tests',pack_name + '.robjects.lib',],分类器 = ['编程语言 :: Python','许可证 :: OSI 已批准 :: GNU 库或较小的通用公共许可证 (LGPL)','许可证 :: OSI 批准 :: GNU Affero 通用公共许可证 v3',目标受众:开发人员",目标受众:: 科学/研究",'开发状态 :: 5 - 生产/稳定'],data_files = [(os.path.join('rpy2', 'images'),[os.path.join('doc', 'source', 'rpy2_logo.png')])]#[pack_name + '.rinterface_' + x for x in rinterface_rversions] + #[pack_name + '.rinterface_' + x + '.tests' for x in rinterface_rversions])
我知道我参加聚会有点晚了,但我遇到了同样的问题,并通过 conda 进行安装使其在 Windows 7 上运行
conda install --channel https://conda.binstar.org/joshadel rpy2
I'm brand new to Python (and programming in general) I come from a finance background, so please bear with me. I just started using Python (Enthought's Pylab/Scipy/Numpy) and R for statistical analysis. I'm trying to install rpy2 into Python to integrate R, but I get the error:
Tried to guess R's HOME but no R
command in the PATH.
I'm not sure what this means. The path to my R.exe is "C:Program FilesRR-2.12.1in" if that's useful. Any help would be much appreciated!
Here's setup.py's code
import os, os.path, sys, shutil, re, itertools
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
from distutils.command.build import build as _build
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.core import Extension
pack_name = 'rpy2'
pack_version = __import__('rpy').__version__
class build(_build):
user_options = _build.user_options +
#('r-autoconfig', None,
# "guess all configuration paths from " +
# "the R executable found in the PATH " +
# "(this overrides r-home)"),
('r-home=', None,
"full path for the R home to compile against " +
"(see r-autoconfig for an automatic configuration)"),
('r-home-lib=', None,
"full path for the R shared lib/ directory " +
"(<r-home>/lib otherwise)"),
('r-home-modules=', None,
"full path for the R shared modules/ directory " +
"(<r-home>/modules otherwise)")
boolean_options = _build.boolean_options #+
#['r-autoconfig', ]
def initialize_options(self):
self.r_autoconfig = None
self.r_home = None
self.r_home_lib = None
self.r_home_modules = None
class build_ext(_build_ext):
-DRPY_DEBUG_PROMISE : evaluation of promises
-DRPY_DEBUG_OBJECTINIT : initialization of PySexpObject
-DRPY_DEBUG_COBJECT : SexpObject passed as a CObject
user_options = _build_ext.user_options +
#('r-autoconfig', None,
# "guess all configuration paths from " +
# "the R executable found in the PATH " +
# "(this overrides r-home)"),
('r-home=', None,
"full path for the R home to compile against " +
"(see r-autoconfig for an automatic configuration)"),
('r-home-lib=', None,
"full path for the R shared lib/ directory" +
"(<r-home>/lib otherwise)"),
('r-home-modules=', None,
"full path for the R shared modules/ directory" +
"(<r-home>/modules otherwise)")]
boolean_options = _build_ext.boolean_options #+
#['r-autoconfig', ]
def initialize_options(self):
self.r_autoconfig = None
self.r_home = None
self.r_home_lib = None
self.r_home_modules = None
def finalize_options(self):
#('r_autoconfig', 'r_autoconfig'),
('r_home', 'r_home'))
if self.r_home is None:
self.r_home = os.popen("R RHOME").readlines()
if len(self.r_home) == 0:
raise SystemExit("Error: Tried to guess R's HOME but no R command in the PATH.")
#Twist if 'R RHOME' spits out a warning
if self.r_home[0].startswith("WARNING"):
self.r_home = self.r_home[1]
self.r_home = self.r_home[0]
#self.r_home = [self.r_home, ]
if self.r_home is None:
raise SystemExit("Error: --r-home not specified.")
self.r_home = self.r_home.split(os.pathsep)
rversions = []
for r_home in self.r_home:
r_home = r_home.strip()
rversion = get_rversion(r_home)
if cmp_version(rversion[:2], [2, 8]) == -1:
raise SystemExit("Error: R >= 2.8 required.")
config = RConfig()
for about in ('--ldflags', '--cppflags',
config += get_rconfig(r_home, about)
if self.r_home_modules is None:
self.library_dirs.extend([os.path.join(r_home, 'modules'), ])
self.library_dirs.extends([self.r_home_modules, ])
#for e in self.extensions:
# self.extra_link_args.extra_link_args(config.extra_link_args)
# e.extra_compile_args.extend(extra_compile_args)
def run(self):
def get_rversion(r_home):
r_exec = os.path.join(r_home, 'bin', 'R')
# Twist if Win32
if sys.platform == "win32":
rp = os.popen3('"'+r_exec+'" --version')[2]
rp = os.popen('"'+r_exec+'" --version')
rversion = rp.readline()
#Twist if 'R RHOME' spits out a warning
if rversion.startswith("WARNING"):
rversion = rp.readline()
m = re.match('^R version ([^ ]+) .+$', rversion)
rversion = m.groups()[0]
rversion = rversion.split('.')
rversion[0] = int(rversion[0])
rversion[1] = int(rversion[1])
return rversion
def cmp_version(x, y):
if (x[0] < y[0]):
return -1
if (x[0] > y[0]):
return 1
if (x[0] == y[0]):
if len(x) == 1 or len(y) == 1:
return 0
return cmp_version(x[1:], y[1:])
class RConfig(object):
_include_dirs = None
_libraries = None
_library_dirs = None
_extra_link_args = None
_frameworks = None
_framework_dirs = None
def __init__(self,
include_dirs = tuple(), libraries = tuple(),
library_dirs = tuple(), extra_link_args = tuple(),
frameworks = tuple(),
framework_dirs = tuple()):
for k in ('include_dirs', 'libraries',
'library_dirs', 'extra_link_args'):
v = locals()[k]
if not isinstance(v, tuple):
if isinstance(v, str):
v = [v, ]
v = tuple(set(v))
self.__dict__['_'+k] = v
# frameworks are specific to OSX
for k in ('framework_dirs', 'frameworks'):
v = locals()[k]
if not isinstance(v, tuple):
if isinstance(v, str):
v = [v, ]
v = tuple(set(v))
self.__dict__['_'+k] = v
self.__dict__['_'+'extra_link_args'] = tuple(set(v + self.__dict__['_'+'extra_link_args']))
def __repr__(self):
s = 'Configuration for R as a library:' + os.linesep
s += os.linesep.join(
[' ' + x + ': ' + self.__dict__['_'+x].__repr__()
for x in ('include_dirs', 'libraries',
'library_dirs', 'extra_link_args')])
s += os.linesep + ' # OSX-specific (included in extra_link_args)' + os.linesep
s += os.linesep.join(
[' ' + x + ': ' + self.__dict__['_'+x].__repr__()
for x in ('framework_dirs', 'frameworks')]
return s
def __add__(self, config):
assert isinstance(config, RConfig)
res = RConfig(include_dirs = self._include_dirs +
libraries = self._libraries + config._libraries,
library_dirs = self._library_dirs +
extra_link_args = self._extra_link_args +
return res
def from_string(string, allow_empty = False):
possible_patterns = ('^-L(?P<library_dirs>[^ ]+)$',
'^-l(?P<libraries>[^ ]+)$',
'^-I(?P<include_dirs>[^ ]+)$',
'^(?P<framework_dirs>-F[^ ]+?)$',
'^(?P<frameworks>-framework [^ ]+)$')
pp = [re.compile(x) for x in possible_patterns]
# sanity check of what is returned into rconfig
rconfig_m = None
span = (0, 0)
rc = RConfig()
for substring in re.split('(?<!-framework) ', string):
ok = False
for pattern in pp:
rconfig_m = pattern.match(substring)
if rconfig_m is not None:
rc += RConfig(**rconfig_m.groupdict())
span = rconfig_m.span()
ok = True
elif rconfig_m is None:
if allow_empty and (rconfig == ''):
print(cmd + '
returned an empty string.
rc += RConfig()
ok = True
# if the configuration points to an existing library,
# use it
if os.path.exists(string):
rc += RConfig(library = substring)
ok = True
if not ok:
raise ValueError('Invalid substring
' + substring
+ '
in string
' + string)
return rc
def get_rconfig(r_home, about, allow_empty = False):
r_exec = os.path.join(r_home, 'bin', 'R')
cmd = '"'+r_exec+'" CMD config '+about
rp = os.popen(cmd)
rconfig = rp.readline()
#Twist if 'R RHOME' spits out a warning
if rconfig.startswith("WARNING"):
rconfig = rp.readline()
rconfig = rconfig.strip()
rc = RConfig.from_string(rconfig)
return rc
def getRinterface_ext():
#r_libs = [os.path.join(RHOME, 'lib'), os.path.join(RHOME, 'modules')]
r_libs = []
extra_link_args = []
#FIXME: crude way (will break in many cases)
#check how to get how to have a configure step
define_macros = []
if sys.platform == 'win32':
define_macros.append(('Win32', 1))
define_macros.append(('R_INTERFACE_PTRS', 1))
define_macros.append(('HAVE_POSIX_SIGJMP', 1))
define_macros.append(('CSTACK_DEFNS', 1))
define_macros.append(('RIF_HAS_RSIGHAND', 1))
include_dirs = []
rinterface_ext = Extension(
name = pack_name + '.rinterface.rinterface',
sources = [
#os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'embeddedr.c'),
#os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'r_utils.c'),
#os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'buffer.c'),
#os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sequence.c'),
#os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sexp.c'),
os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'rinterface.c')
depends = [os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'embeddedr.h'),
os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'r_utils.h'),
os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'buffer.h'),
os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sequence.h'),
os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sexp.h'),
os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'rpy_rinterface.h')
include_dirs = [os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface'),] + include_dirs,
libraries = ['R', ],
library_dirs = r_libs,
define_macros = define_macros,
runtime_library_dirs = r_libs,
#extra_compile_args=['-O0', '-g'],
#extra_link_args = extra_link_args
rpy_device_ext = Extension(
pack_name + '.rinterface.rpy_device',
os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'rpy_device.c'),
include_dirs = include_dirs +
[os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface'), ],
libraries = ['R', ],
library_dirs = r_libs,
define_macros = define_macros,
runtime_library_dirs = r_libs,
#extra_compile_args=['-O0', '-g'],
extra_link_args = extra_link_args
return [rinterface_ext, rpy_device_ext]
rinterface_exts = []
ri_ext = getRinterface_ext()
pack_dir = {pack_name: 'rpy'}
import distutils.command.install
for scheme in distutils.command.install.INSTALL_SCHEMES.values():
scheme['data'] = scheme['purelib']
cmdclass = {'build': build,
'build_ext': build_ext},
name = pack_name,
version = pack_version,
description = "Python interface to the R language",
url = "http://rpy.sourceforge.net",
license = "AGPLv3.0 (except rpy2.rinterface: LGPL)",
author = "Laurent Gautier",
author_email = "lgautier@gmail.com",
ext_modules = rinterface_exts[0],
package_dir = pack_dir,
packages = [pack_name,
pack_name + '.rlike',
pack_name + '.rlike.tests',
pack_name + '.rinterface',
pack_name + '.rinterface.tests',
pack_name + '.robjects',
pack_name + '.robjects.tests',
pack_name + '.robjects.lib',
classifiers = ['Programming Language :: Python',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable'
data_files = [(os.path.join('rpy2', 'images'),
[os.path.join('doc', 'source', 'rpy2_logo.png')])]
#[pack_name + '.rinterface_' + x for x in rinterface_rversions] +
#[pack_name + '.rinterface_' + x + '.tests' for x in rinterface_rversions]
I know I'm a little late to the party, but I had the same problem and got it working on Windows 7 by doing the install via conda
conda install --channel https://conda.binstar.org/joshadel rpy2
这篇关于在 win7 上安装 rpy2 时遇到问题(R 2.12,Python 2.5)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!