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      Swap values in a tuple/list inside a list in python?(在python列表中交换元组/列表中的值?)
        • <bdo id='iQWIT'></bdo><ul id='iQWIT'></ul>

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                I have a list of tuples like this:


                在 python 中(在非常低的 cpu/ram 机器上运行)交换这样的值的最快方法是什么...

                What is the fastest way in python (running on a very low cpu/ram machine) to swap values like this...



                for x in mylist:


                Is there a better or faster way???



                map (lambda t: (t[1], t[0]), mylist)


                [(t[1], t[0]) for t in mylist]

                当需要 lambda 时,列表推导式是首选并且据说比 map 快得多,但是请注意,列表推导式有一个严格的评估,也就是说,如果您担心内存,它将在绑定到变量时立即进行评估消费使用 generator 代替:

                List comprehensions are preferred and supposedly much faster than map when lambda is needed, however note that list comprehension has a strict evaluation, that is it will be evaluated as soon as it gets bound to variable, if you're worried about memory consumption use a generator instead:

                g = ((t[1], t[0]) for t in mylist)
                #call when you need a value

                这里有更多详细信息:Python 列表理解 Vs.地图




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