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    1. 删除matplotlib中乳胶下标中的斜体

      remove italics in latex subscript in matplotlib(删除matplotlib中乳胶下标中的斜体)
      1. <tfoot id='RW3fv'></tfoot>

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              • <i id='RW3fv'><tr id='RW3fv'><dt id='RW3fv'><q id='RW3fv'><span id='RW3fv'><b id='RW3fv'><form id='RW3fv'><ins id='RW3fv'></ins><ul id='RW3fv'></ul><sub id='RW3fv'></sub></form><legend id='RW3fv'></legend><bdo id='RW3fv'><pre id='RW3fv'><center id='RW3fv'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='RW3fv'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='RW3fv'><tfoot id='RW3fv'></tfoot><dl id='RW3fv'><fieldset id='RW3fv'></fieldset></dl></div>


                我想删除在标签中使用下标时出现的斜体字体.例如,x 标签中的Teff"以斜体显示eff".我希望乳胶不要以这种方式渲染它.通常,在乳胶中,这可以通过 m{} 命令来实现.但是,这在 matplotlib 中不起作用.请帮忙.

                I would like to remove the italics font that appears when I use subscripts in labels. For example, the "Teff" in the x-label has "eff" in italics. I would like latex not render it in such a way. Generally, in latex this can be achieved with the m{} command. However, that does not work in matplotlib. Please help.

                import numpy as np
                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                x = np.arange(10)
                y = x
                plt.xlabel('Primary T$_{eff}$')



                I have encountered this problem many times and it can be solved with this trick

                plt.xlabel(r'Primary T$_{
                m eff}$')




                Running .jl file from R or Python(从 R 或 Python 运行 .jl 文件)
                Running Julia .jl file in python(在 python 中运行 Julia .jl 文件)
                Using PIP in a Azure WebApp(在 Azure WebApp 中使用 PIP)
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                Azure Python Web App Internal Server Error(Azure Python Web 应用程序内部服务器错误)
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                • <legend id='1siCX'><style id='1siCX'><dir id='1siCX'><q id='1siCX'></q></dir></style></legend>
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