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        Why `__iter__` does not work when defined as an instance variable?(为什么`__iter__`在定义为实例变量时不起作用?)

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                  如果我如下定义 __iter__ 方法,它将不起作用:

                  If I define the __iter__ method as follows, it won't work:

                  class A:
                      def __init__(self):
                          self.__iter__ = lambda: iter('text')
                  for i in A().__iter__():


                  Traceback (most recent call last):
                    File "...mytest.py", line 10, in <module>
                  TypeError: 'A' object is not iterable

                  如您所见,调用 A().__iter__() 有效,但 A() 不可迭代.

                  As you can see, calling A().__iter__() works, but A() is not iterable.

                  但是,如果我为该类定义 __iter__,那么它将起作用:

                  However if I define __iter__ for the class, then it will work:

                  class A:
                      def __init__(self):
                          self.__class__.__iter__ = staticmethod(lambda: iter('text'))
                          # or:
                          # self.__class__.__iter__ = lambda s: iter('text')
                  for i in A():
                  # will print:
                  # t
                  # e
                  # x
                  # t

                  有谁知道为什么 python 是这样设计的?即为什么 __iter__ 作为实例变量不起作用?你不觉得它不直观吗?

                  Does anyone know why python has been designed like this? i.e. why __iter__ as instance variable does not work? Don't you find it unintuitive?



                  It is done by design. You can find the thorough description here: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#special-method-lookup


                  Short answer: the special method must be set on the class object itself in order to be consistently invoked by the interpreter.


                  Long answer: the idea behind this is to speed up well-known constructions. In your example:

                  class A:
                      def __init__(self):
                          self.__iter__ = lambda: iter('text')

                  在现实生活中,您多久会编写一次这样的代码?所以,Python 做了什么 - 它跳过了实例的字典查找,即 iter(A()) 根本没有看到"那个 self.__iter__,它实际上是self.__dict__['__iter__'] 在这种情况下.

                  How often are you going to write a code like this in real life? So, what Python does - it skips a dictionary lookup of the instance, i.e. iter(A()) simply does not "see" that self.__iter__, which is actually self.__dict__['__iter__'] in this case.

                  它还跳过了所有 __getattribute__ 实例和元类查找,获得了显着的加速.

                  It also skips all the __getattribute__ instance and metaclass lookup gaining a significant speedup.




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