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      1. 如何将一组重叠范围划分为非重叠范围?

        How to divide a set of overlapping ranges into non-overlapping ranges?(如何将一组重叠范围划分为非重叠范围?)
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                1. 本文介绍了如何将一组重叠范围划分为非重叠范围?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  • 0 - 100: 'a'
                  • 0 - 75:'b'
                  • 95 - 150: 'c'
                  • 120 - 130:'d'


                  Obviously, these ranges overlap at certain points. How would you dissect these ranges to produce a list of non-overlapping ranges, while retaining information associated with their original range (in this case, the letter after the range)?


                  For example, the results of the above after running the algorithm would be:

                  • 0 - 75:'a'、'b'
                  • 76 - 94: 'a'
                  • 95 - 100:'a'、'c'
                  • 101 - 119:'c'
                  • 120 - 130:'c'、'd'
                  • 131 - 150:'c'



                  I had the same question when writing a program to mix (partly overlapping) audio samples.


                  What I did was add an "start event" and "stop event" (for each item) to a list, sort the list by time point, and then process it in order. You could do the same, except using an integer point instead of a time, and instead of mixing sounds you'd be adding symbols to the set corresponding to a range. Whether you'd generate empty ranges or just omit them would be optional.


                  # input = list of (start, stop, symbol) tuples
                  points = [] # list of (offset, plus/minus, symbol) tuples
                  for start,stop,symbol in input:
                  ranges = [] # output list of (start, stop, symbol_set) tuples
                  current_set = set()
                  last_start = None
                  for offset,pm,symbol in points:
                      if pm == '+':
                           if last_start is not None:
                               #TODO avoid outputting empty or trivial ranges
                           last_start = offset
                      elif pm == '-':
                           # Getting a minus without a last_start is unpossible here, so not handled
                           last_start = offset
                  # Finish off
                  if last_start is not None:





                  What happens when you compare 2 pandas Series(当你比较 2 个 pandas 系列时会发生什么)
                  Quickly find differences between two large text files(快速查找两个大文本文件之间的差异)
                  Python - Compare 2 files and output differences(Python - 比较 2 个文件和输出差异)
                  Why do comparisions between very large float values fail in python?(为什么在 python 中非常大的浮点值之间的比较会失败?)
                  Dictionary merge by updating but not overwriting if value exists(字典通过更新合并,但如果值存在则不覆盖)
                  Find entries of one text file in another file in python(在python中的另一个文件中查找一个文本文件的条目)

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