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        Clause extraction / long sentence segmentation in python(Python中的子句提取/长句切分)

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                1. 本文介绍了Python中的子句提取/长句切分的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!





                  我遇到过带有Spacy的ClausIE信息提取系统的this implementation,它可以执行类似的操作,但它尚未更新,无法在我的计算机上运行。

                  我也遇到过句子简化的this repo,但在本地运行时,从Stanford coreNLP得到一个注释错误。




                  import spacy
                  import deplacy
                  en = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
                  text = "This all encompassing experience wore off for a moment and in that moment, my awareness came gasping to the surface of the hallucination and I was able to consider momentarily that I had killed myself by taking an outrageous dose of an online drug and this was the most pathetic death experience of all time."
                  doc = en(text)
                  seen = set() # keep track of covered words
                  chunks = []
                  for sent in doc.sents:
                      heads = [cc for cc in sent.root.children if cc.dep_ == 'conj']
                      for head in heads:
                          words = [ww for ww in head.subtree]
                          for word in words:
                          chunk = (' '.join([ww.text for ww in words]))
                          chunks.append( (head.i, chunk) )
                      unseen = [ww for ww in sent if ww not in seen]
                      chunk = ' '.join([ww.text for ww in unseen])
                      chunks.append( (sent.root.i, chunk) )
                  chunks = sorted(chunks, key=lambda x: x[0])
                  for ii, chunk in chunks:






                  GUI Freezes while downloading PyQt5 and Pytube(GUI在下载PyQt5和Pytube时冻结)
                  How to solve memory issues while multiprocessing using Pool.map()?(如何解决使用Pool.map()进行多处理时的内存问题?)
                  Python - How to use FastAPI and uvicorn.run without blocking the thread?(Python-如何使用FastAPI和uvicorn.run而不阻塞线程?)
                  How to increment a shared counter from multiple processes?(如何从多个进程递增共享计数器?)
                  Using pika, how to connect to rabbitmq running in docker, started with docker-compose with external network?(使用pika,如何连接运行在docker中的rabbitmq,从docker开始-与外部网络连接?)
                  How to use .rolling() on each row of a Pandas dataframe?(如何对 pandas 数据帧的每一行使用.roll()?)

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