
Which method is better? CSS classes or ID#39;s?(哪种方法更好?CSS类或ID?)



Let's consider these 2 ways of writing the same code:


<div id="header">
    <div id="user">
        <a id="userName">Username</a>
        <a id="userImage">Userimage</a>


<div id="header">
    <div class="user">
        <a class="name">Username</a>
        <a class="image">Userimage</a>


#userName { color: white; }
#userImage { height: 50px; width: 50px; }


#header div.user a.name { color: white; }
#header div.user a.image { height: 50px; width: 50px; }

在我看来,方法 2 更简洁,因为您永远不会得到像 userImageInnerBox 这样的 ID.现在从技术上讲,哪种方法最好,为什么?

It seems to me that Method 2 is cleaner, since you will never end up with IDs like userImageInnerBox. Now technically speaking which is the best method and why?


黄金法则是这样的:chrome 元素使用 id,content 元素使用 class.所以方法2更好.

The golden rules goes as this: use id for chrome elements, use class for content elements. So method 2 is the better.

您可以在 css-discuss 上阅读这篇文章以获得灵感:http://css-discuss.incutio.com/wiki/Classes_Vs_Ids

You can read this article on css-discuss for inspiration: http://css-discuss.incutio.com/wiki/Classes_Vs_Ids

没有什么可以阻止您在独特的内容元素上使用 id 属性,并且在某些情况下,它可能是加速 javascript DOM 遍历的好方法.然而,出于造型目的,它被许多人认为是不好的做法.

There is nothing that stops you from using id attributes on unique content elements, and in some cases it can be a nice way to speed up javascript DOM traversals. For styling purposes, however, it is considered by many as bad practice.


  1. 类可以用于多重继承,id必须是唯一的
  2. 如果您需要将继承与 id 样式配对使用,选择器的特殊性可能会成为一场噩梦

每当我在非 Chrome 元素上使用 id 属性时,它纯粹是为了快速访问 javascript,而不是为了样式.

Whenever I use id attributes on non-chrome elements it is purely for fast javascript access, and never for styling.




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