Discord bot 编辑消息太慢

Discord bot editing messages too slow(Discord bot 编辑消息太慢)
本文介绍了Discord bot 编辑消息太慢的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我希望我的 discordbot 发送带有附件和文本的发送消息.然后机器人必须编辑此文本几次,但问题是当机器人编辑消息 5 次时,它会等待一段时间,然后再次编辑 5 次等等.我怎样才能让它不停地编辑消息?

I want my discordbot to send send a message with an attached file in it and a text. Then the bot has to edit this text a couple of times but the problem is that when bot eddits message 5 times then it waits some time and then edits again 5 times etc etc. How can i make it edit messages without stopping?


msg.channel.send("alphabet", { files: ["/Users/48602/Videos/discordbot/aaa.png"]})}
      if(msg.content === 'alphabet'){

        msg.edit("**d**") // Here bot stop for a 2 seconds and i dont know why
        msg.edit("**j**")// Here bot stop for a 2 seconds and i dont know why
        msg.edit("**o**") // Here bot stop for a 2 seconds and i dont know why



Discord 有一个 每个请求的速率限制为 5.试图绕过这一点将被视为 API 滥用(后面的解决方案不是 API 滥用).

Discord has a rate limit of 5 in each request. Trying to bypass this would be considered API abuse (the solutions later is not API abuse).

超过此限制将暂停其他请求,直到经过一定秒数.随着我的研究,我发现了这个简单解释:每台服务器每 5 秒 5 次(如果你不明白我上面所说的).

Exceeding this limit will pause other requests until a certain number of seconds has passed. Along with my research, I came across this simple explanation: 5 anything per 5 seconds per server (if you did not understand what I said above).

在 Discord 的速率限制开发者指南上,它告诉您:

上述规则[速率限制]目前有一个例外,即不同的 HTTP 方法共享相同的速率限制,即删除消息.删除消息属于单独的更高速率限制,以便机器人能够更快地从频道中删除内容(这对于审核机器人很有用).

There is currently a single exception to the above rule [rate limits] regarding different HTTP methods sharing the same rate limit, and that is for the deletion of messages. Deleting messages falls under a separate, higher rate limit so that bots are able to more quickly delete content from channels (which is useful for moderation bots).

在不滥用 API 的情况下,一种解决方法是发送消息,然后删除以前的消息,因为删除消息的限制更高.

One workaround, without API abusing, would be to send messages, and delete the previous messages since there is a higher limit for deleting messages.


Another workaround would be to add intermediate timeouts to your animation. A simple method such as:

function async wait = { require("util").promisify(setTimeout); };
//syntax: await wait(1000); to "pause" for 1 second


You will need to play around with the timings so it fits your intended animation speed, and without pausing due to the rate limit.

这篇关于Discord bot 编辑消息太慢的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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