
download file to local computer sent attatched to message discord(下载文件到本地计算机发送附加到消息不和谐)


查看 Discord.js 文档后,我可以找到问题的答案,有人知道该怎么做吗?页面上已有问题,但没有答案或评论.

after looking on the Discord.js docs i can find an answer for the question, does someone know how to do it? theres already a question the page but has no answers or comments.


imagine that someone on the chat sentí an image, is there a way of the bot downloading the image or get the url of the image?




For starters... You'd need the code to access the attachment.

    if(msg.attachments.first()){//checks if an attachment is sent
        if(msg.attachments.first().filename === `png`){//Download only png (customize this)
            download(msg.attachments.first().url);//Function I will show later

注意:我将附件限制为 png,以便我们下载经过验证的图像.否则我们可能会下载一些不良脚本和病毒.下载东西时要小心.

Note: I limited attachments to png only so we download verified images. Otherwise we might download some bad scripts and possibly viruses. Be careful when downloading stuff.

现在我刚刚给你的代码调用 download 并传入 url.
现在你需要 request 模块 AND fs 模块.

Now the code I just gave you calls download and passes in the url.
Now you will need the request module AND the fs module.

为什么?很高兴你问... request 模块访问 url 并从网络中提取数据.
fs 模块在本地/外部机器上创建/读取/写入文件...

Why? Glad you asked... The request module accesses the url and pulls it the data from the web.
The fs module create/reads/writes files on your local/external machine...


Using the two modules, we will pull it and then save it.

现在让我们假设 url 是这个 meme.png(不和谐 png 附件)

Now lets assume url is this meme.png (discord png attachment)

let request = require(`request`);
let fs = require(`fs`);
function download(url){
        .on('error', console.error)

瞧!我们现在有一个关于Doritos XD的meme.png图片

and Voila! We now have a meme.png image about Doritos XD




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