
How do I upload a custom emoji to my discord bot(如何将自定义表情符号上传到我的不和谐机器人)


我制作了一个不和谐的机器人,现在我想开始添加自定义表情符号.我看过很多关于如何使用 client.cache 或其他东西来输入表情符号的教程,但是我如何上传它们并获取它们的 ID 以在我的不和谐机器人中使用.我将不胜感激一个快速简单的答案!

I have made a discord bot and I would now like to get started on adding custom emojis. I have seen many tutorials on how to use client.cache or something to type an emoji, but how do I upload them and get their ID to use in my discord bot. I would appreciate a fast and easy answer!



你需要做的就是让你的机器人在一个服务器中使用你想要在你的机器人中使用的任何表情.然后,键入前面带有反斜杠的表情并发送,返回类似 <:honk:670458084136845352> 的内容.这就是您在机器人消息中输入的内容.

What you have to do is have your bot in a server with whichever emotes you want to use in your bot. Then, you type the emote with a backslash in front and send it, returning something like <:honk:670458084136845352>. That's what you put in the message for your bot.


If you have any issues, or this isn't clear enough, please let me know.




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