Electron:从 main 调用渲染器函数

Electron: Call renderer function from main(Electron:从 main 调用渲染器函数)
本文介绍了Electron:从 main 调用渲染器函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我在本地存储中有一些数据必须在 app.quit() 上删除.但我认为从主要过程中无法做到这一点.

I have some data in the localstorage that has to be deleted on app.quit(). But I see no way to do so from the main process.

有没有办法从 main 调用 renderer 函数?

Is there a way to call a renderer function from main?

我知道 var remote = require('remote'); 但它似乎只走错了方向.

I know about var remote = require('remote'); but it seems to go only in the wrong direction.


您可以通过 webContents.send 将消息从主进程发送到渲染器进程,如此处文档中所述:https://github.com/atom/electron/blob/master/docs/api/web-contents.md#webcontentssendchannel-arg1-arg2-.

You can send messages from the main process to a renderer process via webContents.send as called out in the documentation here: https://github.com/atom/electron/blob/master/docs/api/web-contents.md#webcontentssendchannel-arg1-arg2-.


Here is how you do it straight from the docs:


// In the main process.
var window = null;
app.on('ready', function() {
  window = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600});
  window.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '/index.html');
  window.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function() {
    window.webContents.send('ping', 'whoooooooh!');

在 index.html 中:

In index.html:

<!-- index.html -->
    require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('ping', function(event, message) {
      console.log(message);  // Prints "whoooooooh!"


Note it is asynchronous. I am not sure how that affects things with your particular solution, but this should at least get you talking back to the renderer process.

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