动态改变 Electron 的菜单项状态

Change Electron#39;s menu item#39;s status dynamically(动态改变 Electron 的菜单项状态)
本文介绍了动态改变 Electron 的菜单项状态的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



Like in any standard native application, also my electron's application needs to change the status (enabled/dsabled) of several menu item, based on live usage results.

我正在 main.js 中设置我的菜单:

I am setting up my menu in main.js:

function createWindow () {

我需要更改的 MenuItem 在 mainmenu 中定义:

The MenuItem I need to change is defined in mainmenu:

{ label: "Show Colors",  
        accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+1', 
        enabled: getStatus(),
        click() {getWebviewWebContents().send('switchToColors');} 

其中 getStatus() 是返回 falsetrue 的函数.

where getStatus() is function returning false or true.

所有这些在 Electron 中都不起作用,因为菜单是在应用程序启动时创建的,根本无法修改.我认为这是一个严重的缺陷,因为动态菜单项非常常见(即:菜单复选框、启用/禁用等).

All this is not working in Electron, as the menu is created at application start and it can't be modified at all. I believe this is a serious lack, as dynamic menu items are very common (i.e.: menu checkboxes, enabled/disabled, etc).



我已经通过为菜单项设置一个 Id 来解决这个问题,

I have fixed this by setting an Id to the menu item,

{ label: "Show Colors",  
        id: 'color-scale',
        accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+1', 
        enabled: getStatus(),
        click() {getWebviewWebContents().send('switchToColors');} 


and getting the menu item with:

myItem = menu.getMenuItemById('color-scale')


Then, when I need to enable/disable it programmatically, I am using:

myItem.enabled = true

myItem.enabled = false

这篇关于动态改变 Electron 的菜单项状态的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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