传单 js:将 POI 绘制为画布

leaflet js: draw POIs as canvas(传单 js:将 POI 绘制为画布)
本文介绍了传单 js:将 POI 绘制为画布的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我想用 Leaflet 绘制许多地理点.因此我想使用 HTML5 画布来提高性能.我的数据源是geoJSON.正如我在 Leaflet 的文档中看到的,目前还不能将地理位置绘制为画布.

I want to draw many geo points with Leaflet. Therefore I want to use HTML5 canvas to improve the performance. My datasoure is geoJSON. As I saw in the documention of Leaflet, it is not possible to draw the geo positions as canvas yet.

var anotherGeojsonLayer = new L.GeoJSON(coorsField, {
        pointToLayer: function (latlng){
            return new L.Marker(latlng, {
                icon: new BaseballIcon()


I think I should hook up here:

pointToLayer: 函数 (latlng) { }

pointToLayer: function (latlng) { }

有人知道如何将我的 latlng 对象绘制为画布吗?

Does somebody know how to draw my latlng objects as canvas?


我是传单作者.您可以通过使用 L.CircleMarker 而不是常规 Marker 来做到这一点,也可以使用实验性 L_PREFER_CANVAS 开关将矢量渲染为画布(而不是 SVG),如下所示:https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/blob/master/debug/vector/vector-canvas.html

I'm Leaflet author. You can do this by using L.CircleMarker instead of regular Marker, and also using an experimental L_PREFER_CANVAS switch to render vectors as Canvas (instead of SVG), like this: https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/blob/master/debug/vector/vector-canvas.html

这篇关于传单 js:将 POI 绘制为画布的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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