我想让用户从联系人实体中选择一个或多个联系人,然后启动一个接受记录 ID 的对话框.这个想法是为联系人添加一些自定义配置.
I want to allow the user to select one or many contacts from the contact entity, and then launch a dialog that accepts the record IDs. The idea is to add some custom configuration to the contacts.
我目前在启动对话框的功能区按钮上有一个自定义操作,但它只接受一个记录 ID.我可以访问所选记录 ID 的列表,这不是问题,它使用 JavaScript 将列表传递给对话框.
I've currently got a custom action on a ribbon button that launches a dialog, but it only accepts one record Id. I can get access to the list of selected record Ids, thatisn't the problem, it is passing a list to the dialog using JavaScript.
我似乎在 SDK 或代码片段中找不到任何东西.我找到的最接近的东西是这样的:
I can't seem to find anything in the SDK or code snippets. The nearest thing I found was this:
Anyone know if this is possible? I know the out of the box Send Direct E-Mail allows an email to be sent to the selected items, so I need something similar.
Should I be using dialogs or something else?
以下是单击功能区按钮时调用的 javascript 代码片段:
Here is a code snippet of the javascript that is called on the click of the ribbon button:
function LaunchModalDialog(SelectedControlSelectedItemReferences,dialogID, typeName)
// Get selected objects
var allItems = new Array
var allItems = SelectedControlSelectedItemReferences
// Just get first item for now as dialog only seems to accept one ID
var personId = allItems[0].Id;
personId = personId.replace(/{/g, "");
personId = personId.replace(